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Y/ns POV

"Ugh nooo" scar whines which wakes me from my sleep and then I hear the annoying persistent beeping of my alarm clock. I hit the snooze and cuddle back up to my fiancé. She places her hands in my hair and gently scratches my scalp lulling me back to sleep.  Only to be awoken by my alarm exactly 5 minutes after the last time I turned it off.

I reach over and switch it to off and roll onto my back with a sigh. "That's my que"

"Don't leave Me you're so warm" scar whines

"I wish I could baby but I have to get on this call." I say

"Stupid time difference" she mumbles and I kiss her forehead before going to the bathroom. 6am is not a bad wake up time but I've been so use to sleeping in with Scarlett and Rose that I'm struggling heavy right now.

After skincare and brushing my teeth I lazily walk downstairs to the kitchen and make a coffee. After I grab my cup I head into my office and quickly try to find the access code to the zoom meeting. After finding it I see it's just Vinny in the call so I enter it planning to discuss our topics.

"Hey y/n. Nice to see you uh are you okay?" He says

I am gathering some papers I had laid out on my other half of the desk and freeze when he asks me that. "Yeah why?" I ask not bothering to look at the screen.

"Now you know I'm all for comfort but I'm not sure our sponsee would like to see you in a shirt with a woman's face all over it."

What did he just say?

I quickly glance down and look at what I'm wearing. Oh my god I'm still in what I slept in. Oh my god I'm in a shirt covered in Scarlett's face!! "Oh my g-sir I'll be right back" I say running out of my office

I sprint upstairs and into the bedroom heading for my closet. I strip as fast as I can and throw on black dress pants and search for a decent shirt. I pick a blue v neck button up and a black blazer so throw on top. I quickly smooth my hair out knowing I did brush that this morning and run back downstairs not bothering to clean up my clothes or worry if I woke Scarlett or not.

I jump back into my chair and see it's Vinny and Anthony on now. "Hi guys sorry." I quickly say

"Ah y/n okay your back again I'm sorry about bothering you I know you took vacation time but they were imperative that you were on this call as well." Vinny explains and I nod.

"It's okay. But next week and the week after I will definitely not answer your call." I laugh and he laughs too.

We wait a little making small talk and Anthony actually joins in conversation more and asks about the wedding planning. Even sharing how much fun he had planning his own. Seems like things are better for him.

"Hello Mr. Sloane. Good morning." Anthony say to the old grey hairs man on the screen.

"Hey Vinny, Tony. How are you. Y/n nice to see you." He says. I've only spoken to the guys a handful of times. I knew he approved a lot of the money spent on projects and never had much of a problem with my proposals so I'm not sure what's going on here.

"I just wanted to talk about the project in Aspen. I really think it's a good investment and even though it's not big we could make it bigger."

"Sir that hospital is so run down that it would cost more than it's worth to get it running again." Vinny tries to reason with him.

"Also sir, even after it's up and running the bank won't give us anymore than a 8% decrease on loans and that's just a crazy rate. Not to mention the legal fees and documents you'd need to get passed. Honestly there's so much liability within hospitals I don't believe it's a good investment." I say now

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