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I wake up the next morning and feel sad. It's my last full day before Scar has to fly to Atlanta and I'm just a tad upset. Gotta make the best of the time we have. I'm just thankful she got a later flight tomorrow and we can drop Rose off at school together so she can show me where she will come out from and see what her teacher looks like.

"Good morning beautifull" I hear from the beautiful blonde next to me in bed.

"Hi baby. How did you sleep?" I ask

"Always the best when I sleep with you." She replies and I can't help but smile.

"Such a charmer" I say mocking her voice and I feel her try and nudge my leg with her leg but she's too lazy so it's just a tap.

I scoot my body closer to her and right one arm under her and one arm on her hip and roll her over on top of me. She lays on my chest and I stroke her arms and back lightly making goosebumps spread throughout her body.

"I never want to get up." She says and I hug her tighter smelling her shampoo. Even though she's showered with my soap it still has her shampoo smell.

"We don't have too we can have a 'lay in bed all day' day. Rose would love that." I say

"That sounds amazing. But I want to do something with you guys today." She says pulling her head back a little to look into my eyes. The green in her iris' are sparkling. It's like looking at something shiny under a light and it sparkles like crazy. I get lost in them once again but get broken out by a tap on my thigh.

"Did you hear me babe?" She said

"Huh? No sorry. I got a little lost in your magnificent eyes." I say still staring into her eyes.

She grabs my face between her hands and pulls me closer to her and I feel that familiar but amazing feeling when our lips touch. She kisses me with passion and pushes me back a little while she sits up on her knees and straddles me.

"You make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world all the time. Even just the simplest of words." She says breathlessly pulling away from me.

"That's because you are il mio tutto. Besides Rose, your all that matters to me" I say back meaning every word I say.

She smashes her lips back to mine and instantly gets a little aggressive. She bites my lip and kisses me hard right away making me moan and grab her by the waist pushing her down a little while I thrust up. The feeling of our bodies grind together sends shocks all over me. She moves down to my neck kissing me but goes straight to my sweet spot and sucks softly.

"Fuck Scarlett. You make me feel so good in every way.l" I moan out and she takes one hand and squeezes my bra-less breast through my T-shirt.

"I hope you can be quiet because it's going to be very hard." She says and pushes her other hand right against my crotch. Luckily I'm only in boxers so when she starts to rub small circles over them right on my clit I can't help the moan that comes out of me.

"I'll be a good girl. Please" I say and open my eyes to look at her. She sticks her hand inside my tight boxers and her fingers run right through my folds. Holy shit just a simple touch from her I'm so close to cumming.

"Yes Scar." I breathe out and she goes right to my entrance and teases it a little.

"Ugh baby please don't tease. I need you so bad" I whine desperately.

"I'm sorry I love when you moan my name" she says lowly and before I can reply she shoves a finger inside me. She starts pumping really slow but then shoves another one in and pumps faster.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now