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After a text like that you speed race to your office. There's only two people on your mind. Two cases in your short career that have spooked you and we're so relieved to know they were going to jail. Devin Pierce, a rapist who was sentenced to life. And Cory Booker, a child pedofile who was a serial killer.  I helped work on his case with Chicago PD as a favor to Anna one time. He eyed me down the entire court process and right before he got taken out of the court room he smiled at me and said "you're next."
My mind is racing when I realize I'm already in the elevator when the ding pops and the door opens. Alyssa greets you and says you have a couple missed calls from some people and the notes are on your desk. You walk hurriedly into your office and don't bother looking at the missed calls or notes and pull up the most recent list of released prisoners in NYC. Cory and Devin are both not on the list. No one is that you recognize anyway. Who could that have been then? You start to make some calls and do some research on the number that texted you while in the back of your mind worrying about the 800 other things you have to do today.


Scarlett's POV
I pull into the parking garage with a smile on my face and lower the music playing in my car. I grab my purse and my coffee cup and get a flashback the second I pick it up.
"And like I said I'll always be here for you."
The way y/n's eyes lit up and her lips curled ever so slightly when she said that made butterflies appear in my stomach. I'm not sure if it's her calm but confident personality or the fact she is gorgeous with her dark hair and blue eyes and tattoos up her left arm but this is the first time in a while since I've felt like this, let alone with a woman. I have to remember she's my lawyer, she's just being nice it's her job. Just because Colin isn't giving you attention doesn't mean anyone being nice to you is. Cmon scar get a grip.
I close my door and head up the elevator to our office. As soon as I walk in I'm hreeted by Kate our co- founder.
"Hey Scar, you look...happy? Good morning?" Kate asks looking confused.
"Hey uh I'm not sure if it was a good morning considering I met with my attorney but she has a very calming presence so I enjoyed the time out of the house." I say trying to not sound like I had a better time with her than I do with my own husband. Kate knows about Colon and I, and knows with all the bullshit I have to deal with. Well most of it. She's been there for some of the nights where he would come home drunk and stumbling up the stairs barely able to open the front door. Or when he would call the office non stop on a day I came in when we fought the night before. But she doesn't know what happens in the late night episodes he gets into when he doesn't get his way. Colin has never laid a hand on me but there's been times I've been scared he might. And that's no way to live. So before I end up on a poster defending domestic abuse I need to get out. Right?
"Yeah any relief is good relief right?" She laughs.
"Yep, we'll let's get rolling." I exclaim and walk to start our day. After about 3 hours of meetings and another 2 hours of content creation and brainstorming I'm finally free. I hope into my car and start my journey home while blasting some Taylor Swift. Only when I get to the bridge before my house do I remember what im suppose to do today. My nerves start brewing and I can feel my body start to shake. I pull into my driveway and get out slowly. Grab my purse and make sure I have my phone keys and wallet in the purse. I walk into the house and close the front door. I take off my shoes and leave my purse directly on top of my shoes by the door. When I start walking further in I hear tiny footsteps running towards me. Next thing I know a weight crash's into my leg
"Mommy!!" Rose yells.
"Hi baby, how was school?" I ask excited to see my baby.
"It was good, Kelly and I played on the jungle gym at recess and I did the monkey bars all by myself!" She yells jumping up and down
"Wow sweets that's amazing! You gotta show me next time we're at the park!" I say "do you have your bag packed with some toys auntie Lizzie  is going to come and take you too the park"
Rose runs off to her room and still no Colin to be found. I go to the kitchen and make a couple snacks. It's 3:30 and Lizzie will be here at 4. I pack the snack in a little bag so they can bring it to the park with them and I start to clean up my mess when there's a knock at the door. I open it to see a smiling blonde. "Where's my princess Rose?" Lizzie says excitedly walking past me looking around for Rose. "Yeah I'm fine my day was good thanks Liz." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry honey, how was your day? Still building your skincare empire?" She ask teasingly. "Ugh yes it's hard work with these investors." I say smugly. Rose comes running in and I luckily remember to stuff the bag of snacks in Lizzie's arm before she is pulled out of the house by rose.
I guess I have to find Colin now. I walk around the house and can't find him anywhere. Finally I find him in the garage with a beer in hand working on his car.
"Hey Col, can we uh talk." I ask hesitantly.
"Um okay I really wanted to finish this part first tho." He says a little annoyed.
"It'll only take a minute I think." I reply.
He sets his tool down and sits down on a work chair and rolls it over towards me so he's closer to me. "Okay go ahead you have 5 minutes." He says snappy.
"Well I've had some time lately to think about us, and I've expressed to you so many times how I needed more from you. I didn't want to just be a couple when paparazzi around. I wanted the family dinners, and movie nights. I wanted the deep conversations we used to have. What happened to all that. Now you are barley home, and when you are your never present." I confess.
"What are you talking about. I literally left work early today to pick up Rose and I'm home now." He says chuckling.
"Colin did you even know Rose is not here right now. Did you even check on her since you brought her home from school? No you didn't. Cause if you didn't you would've noticed I got home and made her a snack so Lizzie could take her to the park. That's the paint in this conversation. You don't care unless it has to do with you  " I said dryly
"She's old enough to come get me if she needs something Scarlett. She's not a baby she's 8. Maybe if you stopped babying her she wouldn't cry over every little thing. Tough love, you ever heard of it. Ofxrouse not because your head is too far up your own ass or maybe up Lizzie's ass. I know you two hangout a lot and you being bisexual always made me a little jealous but now I see the bigger picture. You want to be her Lizzie." He retorts.
"Are you stupid? Lizzie is my best friend and she is HAPPILY MARRIED might I add. The difference in us is she is happy in her marriage unlike me. You need to take your insecurities and grow up. I married you because I loved you. I loved who you were but now you've changed so much you don't even see it yourself. I'm sorry Colin but I can't do this anymore. I'm filing for divorce. You can keep the house. But I'm done." I finally say and turn around to walk away when there's a grip on my arm. It's painful and I look down at it when I'm spun around and Colin's face is an inch away from mine. He grits through his teeth "you're not going anywhere. You are mine."
"Colin let go. Don't be ridiculous this isn't 1930." I laugh in spite
"Till death do us part baby" and his eyes turn cold while his grip gets tighter. I start to push him away and his other arm wraps around my waist and shoves me close into his chest. He smashes his lips onto me and while I'm trying to get away and push his face off mine while turning my head he grabs my face between my cheeks with his thumb and four fingers and says "I mean it, your mine. Now show daddy what he likes." As he shoves me to the ground and rips his pants off. He's not even that drunk so I can get away with faking this blowjob like I usually do. If I just do this I'll be able to leave and I can get out of here for good. I obey quietly because I'm afraid what he might do. I just sit on my knees and he pumps his dick trying to remain hard. I know he can't usually get hard without being drunk anymore so this might not even happen. He gets frustrated at himself and starts cursing at me. "See, you just had to come in here with your lies and it's throwing off my concentration." He yells. "Get the fuck out of my face you bitch. And get out of my house. You want to divorce me fine. But you will regret it." He yells as he drags me out of the garage and throws me on the floor of the kitchen. I quickly jump up and run to my room and grab a big bag. Shove all my shit in it as I run to Roses room and grab all her stuff. As much as I could fit in it. I run to the front door and throw the bags out the door towards my car not even caring if the bags break. I run into the living room jus grabbing some books and Rose stuffed elephant mr.cuddles. As I turn around I freeze when I see Colin standing in front of the door.
"Didn't I tell you to get out?" He seethes.
"I am. I couldn't forget Roses animal you know that." I said desperately.
"He walks away from the door and straight to the liquor cabinet. Opening it up he takes out the scotch and takes a huge swig from it. He starts walking back over to me while drinking from the bottle and still staring straight into my soul.
"Is this what you don't like? Me drinking in the house where we are suppose to be a family in?" He asks. I nod unable to speak. "Well before you walk out of that door I hope you know you are nothing and you will always be nothing. I drink because I can't stand to be around you sober. You complain about everything. Good luck finding someone that wants to be with THAT. And another thing, it's not that I can't get you pregnant it's that I don't want to. I had a vasectomy the day before the wedding." He winks and all I see is red. SMAAACKKK is all you hear next. I couldn't help my self.
"Did you just smack me?" He asks laughing. But not a funny laugh an evil laugh.
Next thing I know his hand are around my throat and I'm stumbling backwards till my back hits the wall. He has me pinned against the wall his hand around my throat and im now starting to see black spots. I just have to swing my knee, and I'll hit him the perfect spot. Swiftly I knee him right in the balls and he drops like a bag of rocks. I drop down with him gasping for air but somehow manage to roll away from him. I gather enough strength to stand up and grabs those books and roses animal, grab my purse and run out the doors without shoes.  I shove the stuff in my arms in the trunk and run back to grab the bags i threw out the door and shove them in the trunk too and sprint to my car door. I jump in hit the trunk button and hit the gas to get the hell out of that driveway. I drive down the road and pull over to catch my breath. I immediately break down crying for the next 20 minutes and all I can think about is calling y/n. She did say I could call her at anytime. I pull my phone out and hit her contact and hear the dial tone come from the speakers of the car. Two rings and is hear
"Hey Scar, what's up?" Y/n says excitedly
"Hey uh are you busy could I stop by?" I say sniffling a little
"Im on my way home I'll be there in 20 maybe but ofcourse you could come. Is everything okay are you crying?" She asks. Ofcourse she can tell
"I will be, but I'll explain when I see you I have to pick up Rose would it be okay if she came too?" I ask almost forgetting Lizzie and Rose are at the park
"Yes ofcourse I just stocked up on Dino nuggets too." She laughs  I laugh too ofcourse she makes me smile.
"Okay I'll see you there." I say as I take the exit off the bridge to her apartment.
I quickly call Lizzie and give her the short story of what happened and she says she will just drop Rose off at y/n's because they are getting ice cream, I'm sure she won't mind.

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