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The drive Scarlett's moms wasn't too long but it Definetly wasn't in the city. Looks like somewhere in New Jersey, big beautiful houses everywhere. That reminds me of something so I decide to get into my email and start my plan while Scarlett drives. We pull into a driveway that's lined with beautiful lavender bushes and the house is gorgeous.

"Wow" I say as scar puts the car in park.

"I know it's great. I bought this for her when I was 22 and she loved it so much she refuses to move." She explains

"Wow" is all I could manage to say as my nerves creep in

"Baby look at Me" Scarlett says softly. I turn my head and see a warm affectionate smile on her face. She grabs my hand and rubs her fingers over my knuckles.

"There's nothing to be worried about. She's going to love you." She says

"But what if she thinks I'm not good enough for you." I say quietly, ashamed of how I'm feeling

"Y/n, your a former top model, head attorney for Luther's and the sweetest, charming, funniest person I know. Have a little faith in yourself." She says reminding me of the bad bitch I am

"Your right. I am that bitch." I say and she lets out a loud angelic laugh. The smile that shows on my face must say it all because she leans in a presses her lips to mine. A short but passionate kiss and then we are knocking on her Mothers door. The door swings open and we see Rose standing there in cute pink overalls.

"Y/nnnnnn!" Rose says jumping into my arms. That earns a scoff from her mother but if my heart could explode it would've.

"Hiiya Rosie! How was your night with grandma!?" I say walking into the house with her wrapped around my front. Scarlett closes the door and leads me into the main area of the house where he mom is sitting at the giant island drinking tea.

"It was fun.  we watched movies and I even got grandma to play twister with me!" Rose says happily

"That is so cool. I want to play!" I say back.

"Okay I'll bring it with us!" Rose says running off to grab it.

Scarlett is hugging her mom and when they pull away they both turn and look at me.

"Mom this is y/n. Y/n this is my mom." She say and I take a couple steps toward so I'm infromt of them and hold out my hand.

"Ms. Sloane it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Hello dear, please call me Melanie. I don't like to feel too old yet" she says laughing. "I've heard a lot about you from my daughter" she says with a genuine smile.

"Only good I hope" I say jokingly but now I'm a little nervous.

"Only the best! According to her you kind of saved her life. And for that you will always be a favorite for me" she says accepting the handshake but pulling me into a hug. I glance at Scarlett while I hug her mom and she has a huge smile on her face with a little blush going across it.

"I will always be here for her. And ofcourse that little one upstairs too." I mumble into her moms ear softly.

We pull away and she has a huge smile on her face as well. I know where Scarlett gets it from.

"Now dear, would you like anything to eat or drink?" She says but before I can answer Scarlett cuts me off

"No mom we gotta go! Y/n has a day planned and we're on a schedule." She says.

"Oh how nice! Go and get Rose then" she says to Scarlett. Scarlett goes and walks upstairs to get Roses things and the little one. Melanie turns to me and opens and closes her mouth a couple times like she wants to say something but doesn't.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now