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Scarlett's POV

Getting home from the soccer game and seeing y/n carry Rose up to her room sound asleep on her shoulder is making me fall deeper inlove woth her. She planned a whole day for Rose involving all of her favorite things. She ate so many sweets with her and let her lead her wherever she wanted to go in the stadium. The fact she did this for Rose on a whim is so unbelievable. I'm must be deep in thought because I didn't notice y/n come back down until I feel her arms wrap around my waist.

"She's out. I tucked her in and turned her night light on." She says and kisses my neck from behind me.

"Thanks so much" I say and spin in her arms to face her. "I had a lot of fun today but I know she had even more fun. Thank you for planning this for her." I say

"Anything to see the smile on her face. She's my little bestie" she says with a smile. She wraps me into a hug and I place my head on her chest and all feels right in the universe.

"I should probably head home" she says quietly into the quiet atmosphere

"Do you have to?" I ask looking up at her

" Anna is letting me go back to work tomorrow so unfortunately I do" she says and I pouts a little

"I'm so excited for you!" I say with excitement "but I will miss our middle of the night cuddles" i say

"Me too. But you could call me anytime. And if you need me here I'll come running" she says with a laugh

"I will. Call me when you get home so we can say good night?" I asks leading her to the door.

"I will" she says walking out the front door. I watch until she gets in her car and waves before shutting the front door. I walk back into the kitchen and pour a glass of wine while I wait for y/n to get home and call me. I decide to start packing Roses lunch for school tomorrow and even pack myself some leftovers from the other day for work tomorrow. I am almost done filming but I have so much coming out for The Outset that it won't feel like much of a break.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rings and I run to go grab it before Rose ends up hearing it and wakes up.

"Hey baby!" I say excited to hear her voice again

"Hi my love. Just got inside. Rhonda must have been by because I have food" she chuckles

"I'm glad she did because I can't imagine you food shopping" I say and laugh at the end

"Hey! I'm a great shopper." She defends

"Sure babe. Chocolate, frozen pizza and the occasional tomato" I say laughing and can hear her laughing on the phone with me

"Okay you have a point. I'm too tired to cook now so I'll just have some cereal" she says and I hear the clinking of the bowls.

"Can we FaceTime? I can't eat with one hand." She says and I immediately call her on FaceTime and wait for her to pick up.

"Jeez warning would've been nice I wasn't near my phone I almost missed the call!" She says when I see her bright blue eyes nose and half a mouth inframe.

"Back up baby I can't see you" I say and she listens and props her phone up on something so I can see her eat her cereal

"So are you excited to be back at work?" I ask

"I am. I can't finish Johnnys case but I know Anna will get him justice. But I have a couple big cases coming up too so that will give me something to look forward too." She explains

"That's good! I actually wanted to talk to you about something. I'm almost done with filming this last movie and the premiere will be in February. Do you want to come with me?" I ask

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now