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Scarlett's POV

I wake up in bed wrapped in one of y/ns arms. I lift up my head and see Rose cuddled with y/ns other arm on the other side of her. I didn't even hear her come in last night. Y/n put her to bed after a movie but right before we were going to go to bed we heard a loud crash in the backyard. Turned out it was half the structure that was being built for a bigger cabana had fallen and y/n convinced  herself she would be able to put it back together.

Two hours and half a bottle of tequila later she did it. She also cut her hand, that I had to clean up for her and then told the funniest joke I wish I could remember. But I do know I almost peed my pants from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I hear y/ns horse voice say breaking me from my thoughts.

"That joke you said last night. I can't remember it but I know I was cracking up" I laugh again

"If you don't remember it how are you laughing"

"No clue but I remember your face when I fell to the ground twisting my legs around myself to not pee" I laugh again "can you tell me the joke again?"

"Nope you'll wake up Rose. Besides it wasn't even that funny I don't want to repeat it and ruin it" she says as she chuckles. She's got a point.

"Fine. Want to run to Raymond's for breakfast? Rose has been asking to go there." I ask her

"Sure but let's give her a couple minutes before we wake her. She had a bad dream and snuck in here almost giving me a heart attack." She states

"Oh no did she just stand next to the bed staring at you until you felt it and woke up?" I ask giggling knowing she does that to me all the time.

"Yes!!" She whisper shouts "I seriously thought she was a ghost child and almost drop kicked her" she laughs

"I'm glad you didn't do that now" I say and we both giggle.

Y/n draws shapes on my back and it's so hard not falling back asleep. Just as I'm drifting off our bedroom door flys open scaring me shitless. Y/n pops up putting herself inbetween us and the door and puts her hands out like she's ready to fight.

"Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt" I hear but recognize the voice. I peak around y/n to see Kate and Sonia dressed in all black with nerf guns on their hips.

"I love nerf guns!!!" Rose squeals finally waking from the ruckus.

"Sorry little lady. This is to ensure your mom gets out of bed and gets out of the house and hopefully she will cooperate and we won't have to use these" Kate says in a hilarious southern accent. 

I crawl forward on the bed to be even with y/n and say "I'm not afraid of a nerf gun and I still get a couple more hours until you guys can take me away"

I hear Sonia's gun making noises then out of nowhere she fires a shot right at my boob.

"Ow! What the fuck!" I yell. That thing actually hurt.

"Get up and come outside" sonia says aiming the gun at me again. I hide behind y/n and she just laughs.
"Woah don't use me as a shield." She yells and runs off the bed grabbing Rose with her.

"Thanks babe" I say giving her a sarcastic look.

"Get her!!!" Rose squeals and Kate and sonia unleash their nerf guns on me. I dodge most of them hoping out of bed and taking cover in the closet. All that black widow training did pay off. I quickly throw y/ns Columbia hoodie on, I should say mine, and walk out of the closet with my hands up.

"Okay okay you got me" I say "can I at least get changed and do my skincare" I say

"Nope we having everything for you." Kate says picking up a small duffel bag. I look at y/n and smile knowing she packed that but wait that means she was in on it!

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