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Scarlett's POV
****3 months later***It's Now middle May***

I walk in through the front door to see y/n swaying to herself in the kitchen, cooking something and sipping on a glass of wine. I don't think I'll ever get used to not being the solo partner/solo parent. She always tries to make my life easier. If I cook, she cleans. If I'm tired she will get Rose to go outside or play with her just so I can rest. She also gave me that great idea about under eye care which has sold out across the USA for The Outset. I just don't know what I would do without her.

"Hey baby" she says cheery she hands me the glass of wine she was drinking "this is actually yours" she says laughing

"Thank you. Smells great, is that Cajun chicken pasta?" I as

"Yep your favorite." She says turning back around finishing up the dish

"So what did you do?" I ask


"You only make this when you do something your nervous about telling me about" I say laughing a little

"That's not true" she defends

"Yes. Last time you made this was because you lied about helping Rose and her talent show, then again when you broke that ugly statue you thought I liked." I say laughing at the last part.

"Okay so your right. But I can't tell you" she says

"Why not!" I push

"I just don't want you to freak out." She says and I have to remind myself to stay calm.

"You can tell me anything and I'll support you. You know that." I say to make sure she knows I'm here for her
She looks up at me and I can see how nervous she is. Her eyes are bouncing around not maintaining eye contact, and her right hand is slightly shaking.

"You're making me nervous." I say chuckling a little to hide my own nervousness.

"I quit." She says and stares at me.

"You quit going to the gym? Finally more time for me"I question silly

"No you dork, I quit working for Anna." She says

"Okay. Can you tell me why?" I ask

"I'm sick of it Scar. I'm sick of defending awful people and feeling like I'm helping these assholes get away with thing. Today do you know what I did. I fought my ass off for a guy who swore he was framed. There was no evidence supporting that her murdered his wife and I fought for him, vouched for him and we won. Great right? Except the fact that right after the charges were dropped and filed with prejudice (meaning you cannot retrial or get charged with same charges) he turned to me and said "just you know, I did kill her. She didn't even make a sound when I slit her throat" and he walked out. I can't even tell the cops because no matter what they can't retry him. This system is a joke!" She yells throwing her hand sip in the air at the end.


"There's gotta be pros to the cons though?" I ask trying to get her to see both sides.

"Nope. I'm the big shot so I get the big cases. And those are our big cases. And I cannot sit there and defend anyone anymore. Regardless if they are the attacker or abuser." She says with raw emotion. I can feel her pain

"Can you take a break?" I ask and she nods

"I suppose yes. But will I ever want to go back?" She says and I get it. It feels like there's no good purpose.

"It'll be okay. We can talk about other options maybe you could be a legal advisor." I suggest just throwing it out there.

"Maybe" she says plating the food and walking to the table to eat. I sit down next to her and place my hand on her thigh. I just watch her eat. Thinking about how I can help her.

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