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Scarlett's POV
I run my fingers through y/ns hair hoping she will fall asleep. I can see the exhaustion on her face and I knew this little plan would make her relax. As I'm feeding her more fruits and cheese, I can feel her sink into me more. Her hand never leaves my stomach, constantly rubbing it. That's when I feel the little boy inside me kick a few times.

Y/ns head pops up and her eyes find mine straight away. This isn't his first time kicking, I've felt him for a while now. But y/n seems to miss it every time. Even when she's sitting right next to me, she even joked that he, the fetus, was playing tricks on her. 

"Are those kicks?" She asks with a brightness that shines through her eyes.

I nod my head yes and she gasps. "I don't believe you" she teases

Just then I feel another kick and watch her eyes snap down to my stomach where her hand lays and she has the biggest smile on her face. "Okay now I believe you"

"Oh no honey that was just gas" I tease and she pouts making me smile. "I'm just kidding baby, that's our son" I say and she leans down and kisses my belly.

"Hiiya little guy. Keep kicking mommy, she deserves it after that joke." She mumbles onto my belly. I feel a little spark down there when she mentions me by the name of mommy. Maybe it's because she doesn't call me that too often or maybe it's because I've been dying for her to call me that, or scream that name for me.

I glance over her soft features and admire how joyous she looks right now. Kisses lightly laying on my belly while she rubs the sides of me with both hands. She looks so attractive just being soft and cuddly to me. I sit up a little and grow some balls and quickly change our positions. I'm now straddled around her upper stomach and she's below me.

"That was very skillful" she teases and rubs her hands along my thighs all the way to my hip bone.

"It takes a lot of skill to be a .....mommy" I say shyly not knowing what she is going to think.

"And you're the very best mommy" y/n teases as she catches on right away.

I bite my lower lip and scoot back a little so I sit on her hip bone. As she rubs my legs her hands come to my inner thighs and her thumb brushes over my clit just a bit and I hum in pleasure. I lean down and attach our lips in a searing kiss. Her hands tangle around my neck and hair and I get lost in the kiss. I don't even realize I'm grinding down on her or that her hands are just under my shirt. She tugs at the hemline of my shirt and I lift my arms so she can pull it over my head. I only break the kiss to get my shirt out of the way. Once it's ong the floor I go back to kissing her. I trail my kisses down her jaw and neck while her hands brush against my back. I love feeling her feel over me. Her touch is my favorite thing in the world.

I lean back to pull on her own shirt and it's then that she breaks eye contact to look at my half naked torso. "You are so beautiful" she says with a smile on her face and nothing out love pouring out of her eyes. I'm feeling a little dominant but I don't want to scare her so I slowly slide my hands to the base of her neck. I move my hips back and change positions so we have one leg inbetween each others. As soon as I sit back on her knees flexes right into my core making me gasp.

"Yeah, could you imagine how I feel" y/n moans hearing my pleasure and looks up with a pleading face. I pull at the fabric of her sweatpants and she somehow lifts her hips up enough that I can slid it down. I straddle her again so that just her underwear is on and I gently give her chills at the waistband of them. Her eyes screw shut and her breathing picks up. I lean forward to connect our lips in a kiss and simultaneously slip my hand in the inside of her panties. Her kisses stop reciprocating when I start drawing small tight circles on her clit. I lean back a little to see her magnificent faces and smile seeing what I imagine I look like when she's pleasuring me.

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