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Y/ns POV
"Hello mate. Where too?" A cab driver asks me and I grab my small backpack and shuffle closer into the middle of the cab.

"Somewhere I can buy flowers please"

"Sure thing. Where you from? Not around here?" He asks driving off

"New York originally but moved to California." I say making small talk. It helps with my nerves.

"Ohhh Hollywood! How nice! Meet any celebrities?" He asks

"Nope not yet!" I laugh

"Maybe one day mate! Here's the flower shop. Shall I wait?" He akss

"Oh please. Here's the address I need to go next"?8?:/6 giving him a paper with the address on it. I run inside the small shop and there's a woman at the front counter making a flower arrangement.

"Hi, sorry to bother you but do you have an bouquets already made up? I'm in a rush" I ask

"Yes dear, come" she says and I follow her to the back of the shop where there a bucket of allready made bouquets. I pick the one that has the most variety of flowers and she wraps them and rings me up and I'm quickly back in the cab on my way to see my wife.

It only took what felt like 4 hours but according to the calander and clock it was a day and a half. But that also means that today is the day Scarlett is going to be taking a pregnancy test! I know she is at set now because she emailed me her schedule when she started so I knew what times she wouldn't be able to answer. I get dropped of infront of what looks like normal houses but with all the people running around and equipment you can tell it's a movie set. Also, the trailers are a dead giveaway once you get through the gates. I sign a bunch of papers and get escorted to a room to wait for someone who can bring me to where Scarlett is.

*knock* *kncok*
I look up at the door opening to see Kate McKinnon peak her head in. "Y/n!?" She says making a funny fsce.

"That's me" I say standing up. God if I knew she would be here I wouldn't have worn my I LOVE BOOBIES shirt.

"Loveeee the shirt." She says walking in fully and making grabby hand at the air like there's a pair of boobs in front of her.

"Kind of a joke for Scarlett. Where is she?" I laugh nervously.

"Shes filming. I was told to come get you and bring you to her" she says

"Okay cool" I say grabbing the flowers from the table and following her out of the room. "So your working on the movie too?" I ask making small talk but realize that's a dumb question because why else would she be here.

"Yea I'm actually your wife's on screen best friend. So I guess that makes us besties by association" she says patting my back

"Mmm does it? Do I have to like ALL my wife's friends?" I tease totally joking with her.

"Psh I knew I liked you" she says and opens a door to what I guess is the set. Well the back of it because we are behind all the cameras and lights and people.

"She's about to walk out." Kate whispers to me and I take a step to the side for a better view and that's when I see her. Standing just off to the side about to walk in for her with a little boy to her side in a police uniform. Her hair is a little darker and so I know it's a wig because her hair is still super blonde since I saw it last night. She has on grey slacks with a mint green top and those sunglasses make her look like such a bad ass mom. She looks hot and I instantly wish we were in the 40s so I can see her dress like this all the time.

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