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Scarlett's POV
I wake up the next morning to a weight on my chest. I reluctantly open my eyes to a face full of dark brown hair and the smell of vanilla. Y/ns arm is wrap tightly around my chest while her leg is draped over my hip locked with her foot. Hmm, normally I'm the one cuddling her not the other way around. I wonder if she had another nightmare. Yeah, don't think I don't notice them. Most of the time of i cuddle her close she calms down. It's only happened once or twice since that first one but im worried about her.

I really have to pee so I have to somehow get out from under her. I shimmy a little bit her grip tightens around my chest. I pick her arm up a little and move my upper body out from under her. When I move my legs from under her leg grip she moans a little.

"Nooo. It's Sunday. Don't get up till atleast 10am." She moaned out in the sexiest morning voice.

"I have to pee i promise I'll be right back." I say kissing the top of her nose.

She grumbles a little but let's me go and I rush to the bathroom to do my business and wash my hands. When I get back into the room I notice the bed looks different. Idk how to explain it but lumpy? I pull the covers back and that's when the blonde attacks

"Aahhhhh" I scream when Lizzie jumps up from under the covers.

"Ha totally got you!" She laughs as she gets comfortable in my spot.

"Remind me why we let you stay over last night?" I roll my eyes and look toward her.

"The benefit of drinking one glass of wine too much and falling asleep on y/ns luxurious couch." Lizzie laughs out.

I climb over Lizzie into the bed to settle in the middle of her and y/n. I turn my back to Lizzie and cuddle up next to y/n.

"Uh rude I'm right here." Lizzie taunts at me

"Sorry but I promised her cuddles and if I don't she will get up." I say knowing she has work to do today.

"Fine but im cuddling for 10 minutes too before I head out of here." Lizzie says as she spoons you.

A little while later you wake up and notice Lizzie is gone. The gorgeous brunette is still in your arms asleep and you just take a minute to admire her features. Her long eyelashes, and perfect nose. Her freckles that a super clustered under her eyes and cheeks but spread further out the more they move away from her eyes. Her lips, mmm those soft clouds on her face. The perfectly plump red luciousness I dream about. She is so beautiful. I want her to be mine. All mine.

I softly stroke her cheek and nibble a little under her ear and that's when she starts to move under me. Her arm wraps around my waist and slips her hand sliding down my lower back and squeezes my ass. Her hand returns back to my lower hip and when I look up at her eyes they're open staring back at mine. Those ocean blue eyes I love to get lost in.

"Good morning" she says in a groggy voice that sends chills down my spine. I guess she can feel the goosebumps because she immediately started rubbing her hands up and down my back in an attempt to warm me up.

"Morning baby, sleep well?" I ask remembering how I first woke up earlier this morning.

"Mmm I had a nightmare last night but fell back asleep quickly. My second sleep was much better than my first." She says with a grin

"You've had a couple this week do you normally have them this often?" I ask curiously

"No, it's probably because it's October 1st so the anniversary is getting closer." She says yawning

"I'm sorry hun but you know we can talk about it if you want? It might help to clear form your head if you talk about." I say hoping she will want to get something off her chest.

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