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It's been 3 weeks since the day on set to say things have been going good is an understatement. Things are going great. I won 2 cases in a row so Anna is extra happy which makes my life at work a lot easier. Then I come home to two incredible girls and we cook dinner together and share a short night of stories about our day and our goals for the next day before we start all over again the next day. It's become routine almost. The favorite part of my days though have become the 10 or 15 minutes before Scar and I fall asleep in my bed. We always have these cute little talks and it makes me feel all the feels. It's usually about a thought that we expand into a crazy idea or a funny story one of us remembers and I've learned a lot about her because of it.

Like her obsession with wings is so bad that she dreams about them often. Or her hatred of pickles is  about equivalent to how she feels about world hunger. And even through some corky confessions from her you couldn't help but to fall for her more and more. There was one night you even almost said the L word to her but you think you covered yourself well.

So now it is Thursday night around 7 pm. I'm just getting home from the courthouse now because a case ran late and you stayed behind a little to talk to the prosecutor because it's not going well. You're exhausted and hangry and don't know if it's the lack of food and water you drank or your subconscious knows what date is coming up, so when you open your front door and hear laughter with what doesn't just sound like Rose and Scarlett you huff a little. You put your shoes on the rack by the door and walk down the hallway sure to plaster a fake smile on before you enter the living room. You see Kate, Scarlett's friend and coworker on the stool in the kitchen leaning back against the island with blue goop on her face. Scarlett has her back turned from you her attention on the stove cooking something. Rose sitting at the dining table coloring something but looks super cute so focused. Kate spots you coming in first and doesn't say anything but puts a huge smile on her face. Rose sees you next and jumps from her seat running over to you.

"Hi y/n!! How was work today? Put any bad guys in jail!" She asks very interested in my work.

"Not yet Rosie but I'm working on it so hopefully soon." I say a little defeated but still with a smile.

Scar turns around hearing our conversation and smiles at us.

"Hi honey. I'm just about done with some dinner." She says pointing to the pan on the stove.

"You're the best for cooking Scar thank you. I'm just going to change and I'll be right down." I say hugging Rose And walking up the stairs into my bedroom.

I walk into my closet and strip quickly changing my bra and thong into some tight  boxers and a sports bra. I slip on a hoodie without a shirt because I'm in my own house I can do what I want, and while I'm looking through my sweatpants I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind me. I jump a little bit lean into the touch when I smell her familiar lavender scent.

"You didn't give me a hug or anything when you came in before." She whispers in my ear before she kisses the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry I'm just a little tired." I say just standing there holding onto her hands that are on my stomach.

"You want to go to bed? I can send Kate home. I'm sorry i should've checked with you first." She says and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"No baby I'm fine. I'm just stressing over this case. Nothing is going right on it and I'm at a dead end with my notes." I ramble frustrated.
"I want to stay up for a little and hang out with Rose too. She won't be here this weekend and I'm going to miss her." I say remembering she goes to Romains.

She spins me around in her arms so I'm facing her and she slides her hands down my waist to my ass. She kisses me hard and when she squeezes my ass I can't help my feel my knees buckle. I love whenever she touches me.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now