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Y/ns POV
it's been a week since that dumb fight with Scarlett. That Monday we both went to a fertility clinic Scarlett had found that had the tests we needed. It was not as bad as I thought. They took some X-rays and 3 tubes of blood from each of us. We met the doctor, Dr. Deluca, who's a feisty younger woman with a thick italian accent which made me feel instantly comfortable. She explained that the tests take a couple days and they could change within every couple of months. But she assured us she'd let us know when the results came back, so that's where why are on our way back to the clinic. Our results are in and it will tell us how fertile we are, and if our bodies are healthy enough for any of this to work.

I feel Scarlett slip her fingers inbetween mine and clamp down. They're a little clammy so I know she's nervous. "You okay baby?" I ask

"I am. A little nervous just because I hate that feeling when your waiting for a test wondering if you got a bad grade" she says ns it makes me chuckle.

"I get it" I say holding her hand tighter. We park in the parking lot of the clinic and walk to the front door together, hand in hand. As soon as we step inside I smell disinfectant and burning plastic. Dr. Deluca spots us as she walks out of a patient room and smiles and waves at us before walking into another room.

"Here babe" Scarlett says sitting down in a seat that has an empty one open next to it. We sit and wait to be called since we already checked in from our phones. My leg starts to shake a little but Scarlett's hand on my knee calms me. I spot a woman who looks like she's about to pop walk in through the door and sit down by herself. I watch as she takes deep breaths and rubs her belly. I wonder if she's on pain.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Scarlett asks looking at  me eyeing the lady.

"Is she in pain?" I ask

"Hard to say. She's probably uncomfortable. I know I was when I was that far along with Rose. Everything just felt annoying and I was constantly hot and sweaty" she laughs.

I nod watching the woman still. I think Scarlett would look so beautiful with our baby inside her. I would understand if she didn't want to carry since shes already had a kid but god I would love to rub her belly, and her feet, and watch her grow something in that magnificent body.

"Y/n?" I hear my name being called and look up to see Dr. Deluca standing at the door waving us in.

We get into the exam room and I let Scarlett sit on the larger patient chair while I sit in the normal chair on the ground.

"Hi guys how are you guys doing?" She asks us

"Great" scar says. "Yep doing good" I say

"Wonderful, I'll get right too it with the results and start with Scarlett's" she says opening a Manila folder. "Okay..nice...everything looks great. My only advice is because you are over 30 the egg supply decreases significantly. We should have enough to take from but I do recommend doing it sooner than later for best odds" dr.Deluca advises and Scarlett shakes her head.

"Now y/n"Dr.Deluca switches charts and opens it and looks up at me then back at the chart which kind of makes me nervous.

She walks over to the blood pressure machine and rolls it over and grabs the cuff from the side. "May I take your blood pressure?" She asks and I hold my left arm out for her to put the cuff around. She takes the cuff and straps it around my arm and hits a button on the machine and it starts to tighten on my arm. It holds the pressure for a minute before deflating and I glance at the screen seeing the number 120/82.

"Perfect, now blood sugar" she says and gets out and small pen looking thing that I thought was a flashlight.

"I'm going to prick your finger and then test the blood sugar levels on this machines by collecting some of your blood on this test strip. Okay?" Dr. Deluca says in a very thick accent but i understand her completely.

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