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Y/ns POV
I wake up a little confused and in pain. The lights are so damn bright. I try to sit up but cant because of a weight on my chest. I squint one eye open but can't open them because it's too bright and my head is pounding. Somehow I lift my head and try to open one eye again and that's when I see the familiar blonde hair on my chest. I look around a little more and realize it's not the lights that are bright it's the sun. And that's because I'm waking up on a couch in my pool area. How the fuck did I get here? I glance to my right and see Robert asleep on the chair as well and start remembering bits and piece of last night.

I remember falling asleep in the car with Robert but not coming home. But I remember Scarlett and Lizzie coming home, and yelling at me for still drinking but that's all I remember. I carefully get up without waking Scarlett and immediately stumble. I think I'm still drunk. I walk downstairs to my bedroom and when I walk into towards the bathroom I see Lizzie in the bed. I'm glad she got a good sleep.

As I step in the shower I try to wash away the stench of the alcohol, wishing I could wash away the stench of my self pity. Why do I feel so heavy, like my body weighs 1000lbs and I have no desire to move. And why cant I stop thinking about my fucking sister. I pretty much treated her as dead already but now that it's true why is it affecting me so much? I'm pulled from my thoughts when the bathroom door opens and I see a sleepy Lizzie walk in.

"Liz get out I'm in here" I yell

"Shut up I've seen you worse and plus it's so hot in here the steam is covering everything" she snaps back

I don't say anything but I finish washing myself off quicker than I planned and towel myself closed after turning the shower out. I step out of the glassed in box seeing Lizzie brush her teeth. She's eyeing me through the fogged mirror and I can't tell if she's mad or not? Why would she be mad? I walk out ignoring her death stares and walk into my closet. I slip on boxers and a sports bra before throwing on my favorite sweats. I don't bother for a shirt because I'm going back to sleep. I crawl into the bed and make sure I lay in the middle and take all the covers so Lizzie doesn't try to get back in. But of course when she emerges from the bathroom she tries.
"Liz go make breakfast"

"What. It's only 7am and everyone's asleep. You kept us up all night so excuse me for being tired."

I did? What happened last night?

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You were kinda a mess last night." She says

Oh god. I was a sloppy drunk wasn't I.

"God what did I do?" I ask ashamed

"Uh you cried. A lot." She says and I look at her confused. So what if I cried. As I should?

"Andd?" I say waiting for her to talk

"You cried and made Scarlett promise to never leave you, you called Robert your dad and cried in his arms about how much he means to you, then you cried for your sister. And I don't think I've ever heard you cry like that before. It broke my heart I couldn't stay up there anymore." She explains.

I kind of feel bad for scaring her. But at the same time I just want to be alone and she's keeping me from that.

"Im sorry Liz. But I do want to be alone" I say and before I can say anything else she stopped me.

"Im sorry but I'm not leaving you alone. You can ignore me and yell at me but I'll just sit in the corner of the room until you need me." She Says

Why can't she's just let me sleep in peace.

"I don't need you. What I need is my sister and my parents but that's not going to happen is it?" I shout now frustrated. "Now please just get out"

But she stands there with her arms crossed looking unpleased. Fine I'll do it myself. I grab her by the arm and drag her toward my door. I open the already slightly opened door and shove her out. She stumbles from the force but that lets me have time to close and lock the door before she starts pounding her fists on it.

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