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Y/ns POV
I'm awoken by my phone ringing and I jolt up hearing it go off next to me but something feels weird. I'm still on the couch but when I lift my head it feels a hundred pounds again. I feel for my phone and blindly swipe until the ringing stops and I hear voices coming from the phone. For some reason it feels like I'm watching myself out of my body. I lazily put it up to my ear and hear Scarlett's voice  calling my name but I can't say anything. My throat is dryer than the Sahara dessert and there's a sharp pain under my right boob and in my temple.

"Ahhh shit" I moan holding my head from the pain. I can hear Scarlett trying to call my name still and her voice is getting panicky.

"Call...Lizzie" I manage to get out and hear the phone beep signaling she hung up. I don't know how much longer time passes but I try to get up but collapse on to the floor feeling dizzy. Crawling doesn't really work either but luckily, Lizzie and Robbie come busting through my front door. At this point I'm right infront of it, trying to crawl to my little black bag with my insulin.

"Shit y/n. What do I do?" Lizzie asks rushing to my side.

"Black bag" I say and she points to the bag on the table and Robbie runs to get it.

"Get her machine out" she tells Robbie and I see him scrambling to get it out while she pricks my finger and takes my blood sugar.

"It says 17. What's that mean?" She asks but it takes me a minute to reply because my brain is kind of foggy.

"Need Sugar" I say

"Robbie look for candy or juice" she says not leaving my side and I hear Robbie rummaging through my cabinets. "It's okay y/n, Robbie's going to find you something. Did you take you insulin yesterday?" She asks

All I can do is shrug my shoulders unable to find the words. I can't even remember right now if I took because my head just feels like a jumbled mess.

"Here babe" Robbie says handing lizzie orange juice and little round candies I had no idea we even had. Lizzie pops two in my mouth and holds my head while I wait for them to work. I drink some orange juice finally feeling my hands again and then sit up and retake my blood sugar. 90. That's better.

I sit up slowly still a little head dizzy and smile at Lizzie and Robbie.

"Thank you guys" I say and see worry wash away from them knowing I'm feeling better.

"What the hell!" Lizzie starts crying and smacks my arm.

"She doesn't mean it. The hormones" Robbie whispers the last part and pulls Lizzie away from hitting me.

"No Robbie! Don't be nice to her. You didn't tell Scarlett about your heart! Then I dumbly mentioned it and felt like such an asshole when she was so shocked and grilling me with questions the whole car ride! Then you let her just leave!! She could be carrying your baby y/n!"

Oh damn she's mad. I push myself off the ground and walk into the kitchen. I grab a water out the refrigerator feeling ridiculously thirsty. I chug that whole bottle and grab a second still unable to quench my thirst.

"I've tried to call her Liz! I rushed home to get to her but she left already. She doesn't want to see me!" I yell back at her.

"She was mad! But you never gave up on her before. And now? Now you just let her leave. Did you even look for her?" She rages and Robbie steps in trying to calm her down but she just looks at him in that Wanda stare and he turns to me and shrugs his shoulders mouthing sorry.

"You should have seen her in that appointment. She told me I wasn't needed when she has my half of that baby inside her. Then she screamed at me in front of Dr. Deluca. Oh god I can never go back there." I ramble and try to think if maybe I was the reason she caused a scene.

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