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Y/ns POV
It's been two weeks since vacation in Greece. That vacation was amazing even though I didn't get the chance to propose. Lizzie kept telling me to hurry up and propose when we get home and I didn't want to rush anything but I knew I wanted to do be over with already also. That sounds harsh. But I just keep freaking out she's going to find it. I've moved hiding places 3 times already!

Still, my planning has to wait because I've been in this damn board meeting with Mr. Marachelli for 3 hours already. These people are not understand that he will not do the deal unless the right people are contacted. I've explained it to them in 3 different languages and still are not grasping it.
"Let's take a break. Come back tomorrow and discuss?" Mr. marachelli says to the group of men from Brazil and I translate it to them in Spanish and Portuguese. They nod and leave and I slump back in my chair and collect the paper from the table.

"Thank you y/n. You're very helpful. I'm confident they will understand eventually. I'm going to call some people in their country that I think could help us also." He says and I nod
"No problem. Sounds good sir." I say and walk out to my office. I place the papers in my drawer and lock my desk so I can leave for the evening.
I head into the parking lot to my car and jump in. I peel my blazer off and throw it in the passenger seat. It's so damn humid lately. It's the end of august so that explains it but maybe Mother Nature could ease up a little.

As I'm driving on the freeway I cross the Brooklyn bridge heading to my house. I decide to stop and grab an ice cream pack from the shop down the street from the house because Rose loves them and it's so hot I'm craving ice cream. I park in the driveway after getting the ice cream and walk up the stairs and inside the house.

"Rose! Scar! Where are you guys?" I call out into the empty living room. I don't even hear them. I check upstairs and they aren't there either so I walk to the roof. As soon as I open the door I hear Disney princess music blasting and Rose does a cannon ball right into the pool. I see scar lounging on a chair, in a very tiny bikini and I try not to drool.
I walk up next to her and sit on the chair by her feet. She picks her head up to look and sees me and smiles.
"Hey baby!" She says excitedly sitting up "How was work?" She asks
"Boring, long and tiring" I say.
"Why don't you change and come hang up here? I was going to order Chinese tonight" she says patting her seat.
"I could go for a dip in the pool, but I have some work to do." I pout
"Mamaaaa!" I hear Rose finally notice me. It's still different hearing her call me that, I love it but I still think she's talking to Scarlett.
"Hey Rosie!" I doing around and wave at her
"Can you come in!? Mommy doesn't want to get her hair wet" she asks
"I have to do a couple things for work but I will come in after okay?" I bargain with her and she nods and dives back underwater. Ever since she learned to swim in Greece she's turned into a fish. We spend most of our time up here so she can swim, and I don't mind that's why I literally built the place.

I head into my office and start working. This company has two relief projects in effect in Haiti and Indonesia both from the earthquakes and floods  and I have to read over a bunch of legal documents about what is and is not allowed to be shipping there. You'd think anything goes when there's a crisis but nope. After about an hour I finally email all my lists to my contacts and Vinny and I go into my bedroom to change so I can swim. After I change I go back into the kitchen grabbing some waters and and finally head up onto the roof. Scar is still laying there reading a book now but Rose isn't in the pool. I look around and spot her in the corner right before she takes off running and jumps into the pool making a huge splash that splashes Scarlett.
"Rose!" Scarlett says sternly which makes Rose giggles like crazy. I place the waters down knowing what I have to do next. I take off running and right before I jump I shout "this one's for you babe" and I do a cannon ball in the water closest to wear Scsr is sitting hoping to get her soaked. I emerge my head from underwater to hear Rose giggling so I open my eyes to look at the cutest pout ever on Scarlett's face. Her hair is wet and covering half her face while her book is definitely soaked too.
She whips her hair out of her face and I feel terrible now.
"Crap I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd make a huge splash." I say lifting myself out of the pol to crawl up to the edge of her chair. I stand finally and she looks up at me. I see her eyes take in my body and they pause over the the many tattoos up my sides until she locks her eyes onto my boobs. I must say this bikini makes them pop a little more than usual. Her lip goes right inbetween her teeth and I laugh.
"My eyes are up here. And our daughter is right there" I say slipping out that 'our'

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