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I guess I fell asleep because I'm woken up to the sounds of the front door opening and little feet patter.

"Rosie don't wake her up" I hear scar whisper. I guess I better move so they know I'm awake. I take my arms to stretch my wince pain when my right arm stings to lift it.

"Hi y/n!!" Rose whisper shouts and I open my eyes to look at her.

"Momma told me you got a boo-boo so we stopped and got ice cream!!" She says excitedly

"Hey little flower oh really what kind did you get?" I ask

"All of them!" She says a lot louder now and I look at scar with an eyebrow raised.

"She was very adamant that she wanted you to taste every flavor so we got like every flavor Ben and Jerry's" she says with a sheepish smile

"I love ice cream for dinner" I says rn rose shouts "hooray" and starts running into my kitchen to get the ice cream

"No Rosie we have to eat dinner first." Scar says and leans down to peck my lips.

"Gross" rose says and I laugh a little. I push myself off the couch and catch my balance between the couch and coffee table.

"Woah there. Where you going?" Scar asks coming behind me just incase.

"Have to pee. Then want to sit in the kitchen with you guys" I say and she helps me walk to the bathroom. I go inside and do my business and when I open the door there she is waiting for me with a huge smile on her face.

She helps me to the kitchen island and I already am uncomfortable in the chair but I suck it up

"So I'm gonna make a quick pasta. Anything you want with it?" She asks and I say "a salad" and she nods her head.

After dinner we snuggle on the couch with our ice creams. Rose picks Aladdin to watch and I'm excited because I haven't seen the live remake. Towards the end of the movie Rose falls asleep and Scar carries oher to her room in my house and comes back down. She sits close to me but she could be closer. I grab her hand and pull her closer but she doesn't budge

"I don't want to hurt you. This is your bad side." She says and look at my bandaged arm

"It won't get better if I don't use it!" I say teasingly and lift it up slowly urging her to come cuddle.

She scoots closer and ever so gently lays her head on my shoulder. But after literally 4 seconds she picks her head up but doesn't move. Fine.

****1 week later****

The twins just left my house after dropping off some work I asked them to pick up. Anna has let me work from home and luckily my case isn't until next week which I will be there for so it worked out. They both wouldn't leave me alone about doing more shows for them. Apparently a lot of models are dropping out of every show because of awful treatment. Even though I know they don't treat anyone bad I guess they are doing it to everyone for the principal of it. Which sucks but I get it. I didn't say yes but I told them I'd think about it because I'm swamped in work and also it's in Italy. In two months. That's a lot of planning and fittings and trial runs and did I say fotttings? I can barley keep up with my schedule as it is.

I'm in my office when I hear the front door open and close. "Y/nnnn!!!" I hear Rose shout.

"Office" I shout and hear her footsteps running down the hall.

"Hi!l she says popping into my doorway

"Hey flower what's up?" I ask and she gets very excited showing me a paper.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now