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Scarlett's POV
"I'll get it!" I say getting up from the table in the backyard to answer the door. Lizzie nods as she lays back with her feet propped up on the bench across from her. Her pregnant belly is adorably huge but it fits her so well. She's glowing and complains about everything, including breathing, and I can't wait until I get to that point. I haven't told her yet, I wanted y/n to be the one to tell her but she wants Rose to know first. At least that was the excuse she gave before I found out what Robbie did. It's killing me inside not to tell Lizzie because I think she deserves to know but I want y/n to have full trust in me so I'll keep her secret.

"Mmmm I can smell the food from here" Lizzie gasps as I walk back outside from collecting the food. I take everything out and put a couple things away for y/n and see Liz's face appear with a small frown.

"What's wrong? Did they mess up?" I ask

"Y/ns not going to be home for dinner?" She asks and I feel my stomach drop from my nerves.

"She said she had to work late. Something about a case she didn't want to take and has to give it to Olivia." I say

"Oh, that's good. She's not overworking herself. She's going with you to New York tomorrow right?" She asks

"Yeah. She's excited to see Rose again. We both are" I smile thinking of my amazing beautiful and talented daughter.

"I'm really happy that she seems to be progressing. I just wish she would talk to me again. Did she say anything to you? was I too hard on her about something?" Lizzie questions and I feel so bad for her. She's really hurting.

"Ummm how has Robbie been? Is he excited for the baby to come?" I ask partly trying to change the subject.

"Ugh don't get me started on him. He was amazing in the beginning, honestly through most of the pregnancy he was a god sent. He would treat me like a queen. But lately he's different. He's rarely home, and when he is he is in the studio until super late. He doesn't even sleep in the bedroom anymore. Do you think he's second guessing having the baby? Or maybe it's me and he wants a divorce?" She asks terrified.

God I don't know what to do. Do I tell her what Robbie said and maybe that's why he's acting that way or he's just being an ass. Or do I hide it from her and risk her losing her trust for me if when she finds out. There's no more if. It's a matter of when because of y/n won't tell her I'm going to slip and tell her myself.

Luckily the front door opens and we hear it slam closed bringing us out of our conversation to look toward the door. Out walks Flo carrying a big bottle of vodka, but the liquid inside is pink and it's half drunk.

"Hey Flo!?" I say surprised to see her because I didn't invite her over.

"Scar!! Lizzie oh my goodness look at your beautifuuul bump" Flo slurs and I can literally see the tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"Thank you Flo, Are you okay?" Lizzie asks Flo and I watch as the damn breaks and Flo starts sobbing right infront of us. I pull her into me and then to sit on the couch and stroke her back as she cries. I look at Lizzie and she mouths "what the hell?" And I just make a face like 'I don't know'

Flo eventually calms down after I offer her some crab Rangoons. Can't take the foodie out of her. I glance and Lizzie wondering if I should ask Flo any questions and when Lizzie nods I take it as my opportunity to ask. 

"Flo, are you alright honey?" I say and she turns to look at both of us. Her bloodshot eyes are the only thing I can look into. They look broken and I can't tell if it's from the alcohol or from her heart.

"I am just a little sad today. And I was all alone in my apartment and thought, I shouldn't be alone" and she cracks up at her self. God I hope she didn't drive.

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