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Scarlett's POV

It's been a whole month since Ive been filming in Spain. Its been a tremendous amount of fun filming and coming home each night to y/n is my favorite part. I didnt realize how much i craved to be around her until she wasnt with me. Those days were terrible, and now with her job she might have to travel a little more. Since that night she got a call from her boss, shes been super busy. I mean, I get it. Your boss's company might be dealing with terrorist, and ofcourse she couldnt just come out and accuse them, so shes been building a case to show her boss and she has a zoom meeting with him tonight. Due to the time difference its at 4 am but I think she will be fine.

I am just getting back from a night shoot and I already expect her to be asleep since she has to wake up in the middle of the night but when i walk through the front door shes sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey in her hand and she looks like shes been crying.

"Hey babe, you okay?" i ask sitting down on the couch next to her.

"They changed the meeting. I just got done." She says and it makes me a little nervous. Did she get fired?

"Did everything go okay?" I ask not wanting to push her too much

"I talked to the son, Anthony, and uh, well, he definetly had no idea. But he is suppose to travel there this week and wants me to go and present my findings to the company." she says and looks anywhere but me

"to Iraq!? no fucking way." i say pissed off. She cannot go anywhere near a warzone.

"I have to" she says before i cut her off

"Babe. theres still a war going on! and what happens when you go to this guys company, in his country, and accuse him of being a terrorist. Hes going to kill you!" i scream at her. she flinches at the tone of my volume but i cant control myself.

"What do you want me to do? He asked me to come and i cant just say no." She defends

"Call another meeting and explain it again. Make sure his father is on the call." i spit out

"I already have one for tomorrow." she say frustrated and runs a han through her hair.

I pull her closer to me so her head is resting on my lap. i run my hands through her hair for her to calm down and she takes a couple deep breaths that i feel.
"Im sorry for raising my voice. I just cannot lose you and that just seems like a suicide trip." I say softly. i feel her nod her head

"I know, your right. He was just very adamant I go. Im sure I can convince him." she says.

"Good, because if not im not afraid to jump on a call for you." i say teasingly

"Oh sure, have my girlfriend fight my battles." She says and cracks a smile.

"Im a great fighter." i say and earn a laugh.

"Yeah, all the black widow training really pays off." She says and wiggles her eyebrows.

Out conversation gets interupptted by the ringing of her phone. She freezes when she looks at the screen so i glance at it and see its Mr. Marachelli. She gets up and goes into the spare room shes been using as an office and answers the phone.

I decide to go upstairs and shower and change so i go do that. After that, Im in y/ns clothes obviously and I come back downstairs and still dont see y/n anywhere. I tiptoe to the spare room and hear her in mid conversation.

"Sir, i really dont think its a good idea to go there let alone do buisness with them. Ive sent you all the information I found Have you even looked at it?" i hear her say but cannot hear the other side of the conversation. I cant stand in the hall anymore so i go and walk in sitting behind her computer screen so whoevers on it cant see be from that side. SHe glances up a second but stays in her lawyer mode and continues talking.

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