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Y/ns POV
I didn't go to work today. My head hurt too much and John said he wouldn't be there on a Saturday anyway so I am not going in. I get off the couch I've been laying on and walk to the kitchen squinting because the sunlight makes my head pound. I see the clock says 12:03 and internally cringe that I slept so late. There's a knock at the door and I go to open it expecting Lizzie or Scarlett but it's Anna.  Crap.

"Anna, what do I owe the surprise to?" I ask

"Cut the bullshit. What's going on? Are you using again?" She asks.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Y/n some random guy from a bar halfway across the world called me saying you were drunk and needed to be picked up. Now me being in new York didn't help but I'm here now. So talk." She says and I sigh.

"Come in" I say and she walks into the house. I told the blanket that's on the couch and place my pillow on top of the folded blanket before taking it to bring back upstairs. Anna puts her purse on the couch and follows me around. She follows me up stairs and into the bedroom and watches me put the blanket and pillow away. I turn around and face her sitting on my bed and she sits down at the end of it facing me.

"I'm working with olivia. She works with John, for John. She's a senior associate so no really getting out of working with her." I say and see her eyes just gloss over. She remembers how I was when I was with Olivia. I never turned to drugs when I was with her but I was just a shell of a human. Unable to function unless Olivia was around telling me what to do.

"Do you mean the same Olivia Shultz that locked you in your house and convinced you you were better off—"

"Anna don't say it" I beg cutting her off.

"Sweetheart. I told you I wanted to put her in jail and you begged me not too. Now look at you just because you've seen her again. I will not let you put yourself through that again y/n." Anna says but I don't really understand what she means.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I remember how you were when you guys were together. You first started your internship with me at that time." She says and I start to picture it.

"You drank a lot back then and I know you were underage. I saw you getting into that woman's car a lot and noticed she was much older than you. I knew she was providing it. But I didn't speak up soon enough." She says and I start to feel my throat close in a little.

"What I didn't know was all the bullshit she put you through until after we had that talk when she showed up at the office. And what she did wasn't right honey." She says and I get a flashback from the day at the office.

I glance at the clock for the 100th time today. My phone won't stop vibrating in my purse and I can't look at the awful words my girlfriend is calling me right now. All because I had dinner with a few girls from work including Anna, my boss. It was only for court prep. I even brought her home a meal and left before they ordered dessert.

I try to focus on the court prep papers that are infront of me since tomorrow I will be shadowing in Court finally but I can't concentrate because I hear yelling. I glance up from my small cubicle and it's located in the back of the office so I head down the hallway to see where the yelling is coming from.

I make it to the main room and freeze seeing Olivia standing there screaming at Alyssa the receptionist. "IM HERE TO SEE ANNA FUCKING COTOUR SO GET HER OUT HERE" Olivia screams.

"Liv what are you doing here?" I rush over the stand inbetween her and the front desk so she will back off Alyssa a bit.

"Don't Liv me. I want to talk to the bitch your sleeping with. Or maybe it's this bitch behind you that you're guarding?"

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