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Scarlett's POV
My alarm goes off for the second time and when I shut it off I glance at the clock. 6:05. Ughh I hate early morning call times. But I remembered y/n is coming with me and that gets me excited. I roll over to face her only to be met with an empty bed. Only a second later the door opens and in walls y/n looking very sweaty. She's just in a sport bra and shorts and I can see the sweat drip down her abs. So hot

She walks closer to my side and noticed I'm awake.

"Morning sweets." She says leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Why aren't you in bed with me?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Sorry I wanted to get a quick workout in." She says pulling her shorts down throwing them into the laundry basket. I just stare at her and take my time soaking up her long muscular legs.

"Like something you see?" She asking teasingly.

I pull my eyes away from her thighs and ass and slowly move my eyes up to her face. When I make eye contact with her I see the sly smirk on her face.

Yes-no I mean ugh" I ramble out

"We'll if it's a no I guess you can't join me in the shower?" She teases while taking off her bra and underwear. I haul ass out of bed stripping as I run into the bathroom with her. I slide a little into the bathroom and she giggles when she's sees me coming full speed at her. Our naked bodies crash but she catches me and holds me up  we take a quick pg-13 shower. Only teasing each other since we know we have to get to set.

I go into her closet to pick something out remembering I still haven't been to my house  to get more clothes. I have to do that today sometime. I finally pick out some of her sweatpants and a graphic tee and throw on my slides and head down stairs. Y/n is already down there making us some coffee.

"Here ya go, black like the outside world right now" she says and I giggle at her

"Thank you and don't be dramatic the sun will shine at some point today" I say laughing

"Yeah yeah, so we should leave in like 5 if you want to get there on time." She says grabbing her keys and leading me into the garage. She opens my car door and I lean in for a kiss before i step in and sit down. She closes it and rush's around to her side and hops in. The drive is fast yet slow. Her hand entangled in mine softly caressing my knuckles. The sound of the soft music playing in the background while what feels so normal and domistocsted makes me feel complete and at peace.

We pull into the lot and I bring her into the head office to sign some papers.

"So this is just saying you can't say anything about what you see." I explain

"I know what an NDA is I've written like 45 of them" she says laughing and signing the couple of papers.

"Yay now you can come and go any time!" I say excitedly. I lead her over to my trailer with my arm wrapped around her arm dragging her through the small area before we reach the trailers.

I open the trailer door and step up and in with her following behind me.

"Wow cute and cozy. Not what o expected though there's a full kitchen in here!" She says walking around the trailer a little.

"Yeah well when you've been here for 8+ years you kind of get some pull" I say smirking

"I can't wait to see more" she says eyeing me up and down.

A second later there's a knock at the door and Lizzie opens it up without waiting for an answer.

"Sure Liz come on in. I could've been naked ya know." I say laughing at the blonde

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now