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POV y/n
When I walk inside our front door I'm met with a fresh smell of laundry and cinnamon. I forgot what our house smelled like for a second. I get out of my shoes and lean a hand out so Scar can balance and get out of hers too. She seems a little tired and I'd love for her to let me take care of her. In more ways than one.

"Here are your options. You get a massage, with a bath after and cuddles and snacks. Or We can do fsce masks and eat all of Roses snacks before we pick her up. Or, you could give me creative control and do as I please." I say massaging her shoulder from behind and watching her melt into my hands.

"Third one. Have your way with me" she says leaning her head back onto my shoulder.

"Follow me m'lady" I say spinning her around to face me. I take her hand and lead her upstairs to our bedroom. "Please lay down" I say pulling her toward the bed. I go into the bathroom and get the lotion out from the cabinet and head back into the bedroom. To my surprise, Scarlett is undressed, in just her bra and underwear, sitting on the bed with one leg crossed over the other.

I stand there with the lotion in my hand, stuck, frozen, staring at my beautiful wife. I was not expecting all this. "Wow" I say

"Come closer" she laughs

I walk closer and finally gain some confidence back. As I get closer I see the smile spread across her face. I stop infront of her and she stands, and pushes her chest up against me so her boobs rub against my own. "I don't think I need a massage yet" she whispers and leans closer to my head. She doesn't touch me and ghosts my lips, making me feel her breath on my lips but that's it.

"Oh?" I ask making sure she doesn't want a massage

"I think I'll need it after your done with me" she says catching me by surprise as she crashes her lips into mine. I moan at the feeling and love the taste of her on me. I've been craving this for a long time and as much as sex does not define our relationship, these kisses and intimate moments make me feel so much closer to her.

I walk us back until she leans against the door, never breaking the kiss. My hands search for hers and I raise them up above her head before holding them up with one hand. I pull away a little to look into her eyes for a reaction. Looks like she enjoys this as well because her eyes shine with excitement and she squirms a little. I brush my lips against hers before deepening the kiss. Her tongue invades my mouth swirling around mine and I grip her hip in my hand. I slide my hand down her hips to the back of her leg and lift it so it's sliding upward with my hand until it wraps around my waist. I hold her leg there while we continue to make out. Just the feeling of her leg in my hand makes my fingers twitch.

She trails her hands from my neck and down my chest to puts her hands around my waist. I try to follow her movements but gasp surprised feeling her squeeze my ass. Every inch of my skin seems to light up at her touch and sends sparks down my body and straight to my core. A wave of dominance floods my body when she gasps into the kiss while sliding her hand into the back of my underwear. Guess I can move my hands to where I want it. My fingers brush over her clothed core before I put a little more pressure on where her clit would be.

"Oh fucking hell" she moans out while her eyes roll back at the pleasurable sensation.
I allow myself to enjoy this a little longer and kiss her breathless while griding against her at the same time helping my fingers. It makes me crave her taste even more but by her whining I cant tell she is as turned on as I am.

"I need these clothes off. And you on the bed, on all fours." I say and see a spark of excitement flash through her eyes.

I walk into our closet while I hope she's listening to me and getting on the bed. I grab our box of fun and head back out to her. She is on all fours on our bed, waiting for me, and I don't think I've ever been this turned on than now. I can feel my clit throbbing out of control and I'm pretty sure she would have to touch me once and I'd cum on the spot.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now