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Scarlett's POV

It's been two days since I left y/ns house. I can't stand the confines of this hotel room so I'm looking for an apartment to rent. Something small for now. I'm going to look at something near the outset office and Kate is coming with me. Before I can leave though there's a knock at my hotel room door.

"Hey Lizzie come in, I have to go soon though." I say letting the blonde in.

"Hey scar, I just wanted to update you on y/n. She stopped taking the drugs. She realized she lost you and I think that's what broke her and made her stop. The withdrawals are pretty bad but she won't stop crying. She misses you." She explain

"I get that Liz but you understand I need some time. I was so low in my life before her. She knows exactly what I went through so she would know that I just need a little time." I explain to to back

"I know scar. Can you just yhhhtalk to her maybe?" She asks me

"Fine. I'll call you after my meeting." I say grabbing my purse and walking out of the hotel room with her

I get to the apartment and see Kate standing with my realtor.

"Hety Scarlett, okay lets go inside" The realtor says ushering Kate and I inside.

It smaller than my old house, and a lot smaller than y/ns. It has a open kitchen and living room but that's it. She shows us the bedrooms upstairs and theres two bedrooms, an office and one bathroom. Theres only one bathroom in the whole apartment.

" listen I know its small but you asked for ready ot move in today places, it's a block from your office and three blocks from Rose's school. I think it's a perfect place for something temporary." The realtor saya dn kate agrees with her. She right, its fine for now. I tell her ill take it and she tells me I can move in whenever I want and hands me the key.

"I can help you get some things from y/ns if you want" Kate says sadly.

"I think I need to do that myself. Im suppose to go over there after this." I say to Kate

"If you need me im a call away." She says and leaves me alone in my new apartment. I decide I should probably go see y/n and get into my car calling Lizzie.

"Hey Liz, Im on my way to y/ns. Are you there?" I ask her.

"Yeah Im here with Robbie. They are playing in themusic room just come in when you get here ill unlock the gate and door."Lizzzie explains and I start my journey over to y/ns house.

When I pull into her driveway a wave of nervousness comes upon me. I walk up the steps and open the front door my legs lightly shaking. When I enter the living room I can see Lizzie cooking in the kitchen and I hear music being played.

"hey Lizzie" I say to the blonde cooking and she turns around with amsile on her face.

"hey Scar! Lunch is almost ready ill call them in." Liz says stirring the pot and walking down the hall to get y/n and Robbie.

First Robbie walks in. Then y/n. She looks good, healthy. She has on a big gray sweatshirt with nothing on it and some small shorts with socks. She looks up at me with a small smile.

"Hi Scarlett." She says to me and I feel the butterflies start to flutter. Just hearing her voice makes me realize how much Ive missed her in the short days.

"hi." I say shyly.

We sit down and start eating silently. Robbie starts telling us how he is performing at the twins fashion show next week and y/n tells me she will be walking it. I snap my head up at that reveal and see them all smile at me. Im not gonna lie that surprised me. But Im proud of her for doing it. When we finish I hear Liz call out to "we will give you guys a minute."

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