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Today has been the longest day ever. To start my day my truck wouldn't start, I had already covered the Ferrari so I took my bike and you try driving in the city in a suit and heels. Just imagine the looks I got. Then I pull up to the courthouse to a swarm of paparazzi. I didn't even know they were for me until I took my helmet off and they attacked like vicious vultures.

Shouting obscene things because im associated with Scarlett and this week I just so happen to be representing RDJ in a civil lawsuit. Some lady claimed he raped her and even I know him better than that. I have the evidence to prove her claim wrong so court wasn't a problem today. My bad luck continued when I left the courthouse and joined RDJ for one beer at the bar down the street.

You know Robert. He's cool and sly and gets a lot of attention. So as soon as we get there he has 3 girls surrounding him pouring shots in his mouth and refilling his beer. I sip my beer because I don't even usually drink when I ride the motorcycle but I'll nurse this and be okay. Only maybe thirty minutes later I notice a red head eyeing me and making flirty faces towards me. I try and ignore it but she keeps moving closer towards me.

"Hey I'm Lexi." She says

"Nice to me you" I say and shift my body the other way and make eyes at Robert like 'help'

He makes the motion like he's zipping his lips and I furrow my eyebrows. He wants me to cheat? He will keep a secret right? Maybe I don't know him that well. Fuck no. I don't want this whore. I look at him again and shake my head no. And he just continues to dance with the girl that's wrapped around him.

"Can I buy you another drink?" Lexi asks and I roll my eyes

"I'm not even going to finish this beer." I say starting to get mad. I walk away from her and straight up to Robert. I grab his arm and he shifts his body so his head and upper body is facing me but his lower is still attached to the girl bending over infromt of him.

"Yea kid" he says

"I don't care who you are but I am not comfortable here. I'm not cheating and messing up the best thing that's ever happened to me. So I'm leaving and I suggest you do to unless you want your wife to find this on the front page of the paper." I say seething from anger and I all he does is smirk.

I just turn around and go to walk out but am met by my beautiful girlfriend who looks just as angry as I do.

"Hi, wow you look beautiful." I say and step to take her in a hug but she just steps back. She glances around and then looks back at me.

"Not here. Let's go" she says and I just nod and follow her out of the bar. I go to put my helmet on but she stops me.

"What was that in there?" She says

"I just went for a drink after a shitty morning but a good outcome in court." I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"I saw you surrounded by woman. Beautiful woman." She says and her voice breaks at the end

"Scar no that was all Robert. I just screamed at him in there did you see that?" I say stepping forward to take her hand which she lets me.

"I saw you talk to him. I'm not trying to be mad and I'm trying to listen to you but my jealousy is getting really hard to control right now." She says sadly

"I never meant to make you feel that way. I've not even been here long babe. I swear I wouldn't do that to you." I say genuinely straight into her eyes.

"I believe you. I'm sorry." She quietly says and steps in to wrap me in a hug. Her arms go to my waist this time and I wrap my arms around her neck. She rests her head on my chest and squeezes me so tight.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now