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Scarlett's POV
I stopped drinking a little while ago. Y/n is so drunk and I blame Flo and Chris. British and Australians are a different type of breed when drinking and y/n kept up until they made her stand up. It was like it all hit her at once and she couldn't function. She was hilarious though, she was dancing without a care in the world and even got Anna to dance. I enjoyed seeing her dance with Ally and Billie knowing they've been friends for a while even outside of work. But now as everyone is saying there goodbyes I can't seem to find her.

"Thanks for coming guys! You're not staying over?" I ask Tom.

"Z has an apartment not too far from here and I have a decently early flight tomorrow. But this was a blast Scar! I said bye to y/n already but I'll call you guys soon eh?" He says

"Yeah yeah. Have a safe flight. Where did you see y/n?" I ask

"Lizzie was feeding her bread over by the food tables" he laughs and Zendaya runs over hugging me hye before they leave and I'm still looking around for my wife.

I go by the food table but noones there but caterers cleaning up. I turn around almost bumping into Kate who has an amused look on her face. "Scar come with me quick." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me across the length of the barn to the hallway where the bathrooms are.
We stop infront of the men's bathroom and I hear shouting. It's muffled like they are trying to be quiet but they're not.

She nudges me to listen closer and I put my ear on the door and hear "how could you ever think that would be okay!? I fucking trusted you and believed you when you said it was done but clearly not when I catch you two hooking up outside."

"She jumped me. I went for a smoke and she followed. She tried to say she wanted to talk but—"

"Yeah right! You had her up against the wall Chris!!"

Oh fuck. Is that Elsa?

"Who is that?" Kate asks.

"Chris and Elsa!" I whisper but lean closer to listen more.

"El I swear to you I didn't mean it. I'm drunk, we were all drinking and bussin around. It meant nothing."

"I can't. I just want to go home."

My eyes widen realizing she's probably going to walk out any moment so I back away and grab Kate running into the woman's bathroom next door before they come out. As I open the door to the woman's bathroom I see Lizzie and Flo in there with my beautiful wife, who's on the floor of the bathroom throwing up into the toilet.

"Finally!" I say running past them both. I kneel next to y/n and gently take her hair from Lizzie's hands. "It's okay baby. Get it all out" I say as I rub her back.

Her body perks up and once everything comes out and she flushes she turns and looks at me with the most adorable hazy eyes. Kate hands me a wipe and I wipe her mouth for her and she leans into my touch. "Hi wifey" she slurs but it still gives me butterflies.

"Hi my love, feel better?" I ask

"A little. I think Lizzie gave me too much bread" she says and I look up at Lizzie. She rolls her eyes and sighs, "I think Flo have you too much alcohol dummy" which makes me laugh.

"I was fiiine, then my hands felt sticky so Lizzie brought me in here" y/n says but then stops talking and turns turn the toilet again. After a second she turns back and smiles at me " false alarm" she laughs.

"It's okay baby, but let's get you to the house? We can get changed and comfortable" I ask

"Nooo the party's not over!" She whines m

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