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Y/ns POV

"She has to go to the ferries it'll be so cute"
"No way she has to go to Raymond's!"
"No wait a rooftop!"
"Guys!!!! Please shut up" I yell and the three girls who are arguing over MY proposal plans.
"I already have a spot set up for me and waiting for my okay. I'm just having trouble getting everyone here. Scars parents are both out of town until September and I really don't want to wait that long. Plus she asked me on a date spefically on the 13th. So she's planning something also." I say and see Lizzie's eyes widen.
"She did say she wanted to propose to you" lizZie says and I slap the table
"You didn't think to tell me this!?" I whisper yell because we're in a restaurant.
"It slipped my mind" she said rolling her eyes.
"Fuck I have to do it this weekend." I say and all three gasp and jump in excitement.

"Please can we help!" Ashley says and I groan
"Please please" Lizzie begs now and I have to give in.
"Fine okay here's the plan..."
Two hours later I'm walking through the doors alone and walk right into an intense game of twister happening.
"Left hand Blue" scar calls out and I see Rose squeeze under Scars legs to reach the blue while Scar just places her hand down easily.

"Hey guys" I call out walking into the room more.
"Hey babe" "hi mama" gosh my heart swells at that. It never gets old. I sit on the couch watching the intense battle unfold and laugh when Rose pushes Scar down and declares herself winner!
Rose jumps on the couch next to me and sits right on top of my lap. She talks a mile a minute about how her day camp was. She got to see a lot of friends from school and is super excited to be back at school soon.
"Do you guys want to go out to eat?" I ask Rose totally ignoring Scarlett.
"Yes yes yesss!" Rose squeals. I have to cover my ears and I see Scarlett flinch too.
"Umm what about tomorrow? It'll be Friday and she won't have camp the next day?" Scar pushes trying to fight my idea.
"Nope because Rose got invited to go see the little mermaid play with Lizzie and her sisters." I say smiling at Scar. She just furrows her eyebrows while Rose gasps in surprise.

"I'm going to the Ariel!!! In person!!!!!" Rose shrieks and I have to pay her back a little to shake her out of her daze.
"Only if you want too" I say and she stops mid jump and puts the most serious tight lipped face she could do. When she tilts her head to the right a tiny bit my eyes go wide. She looks just like Scar oh my god. I look over to Scar and back to Rose and pull Rose tight into me for a hug. She giggles in my arms while I mouth to Scar 'she's your twin'

"I'll take that look as a yes soooooo where are we going to eat tonight?" I say again and look over to Scar now.

"Fine let's just hit up a drive thru." Scar says rolling her eyes.
Scars POV
I have been low key freaking out because the ring came in today!!! I'm going to propose on the 13th, my favorite number and I just want it to be something simple. Quality time spent between us and a cute little date followed by me getting on my knee. Simple. I told my mom and brother, Hunter and they are going to fly in next week after I ask!

I feel bad because I don't seem to focus as much while I'm home and that leads to be being zoned out, preparing in my mind and I think y/n is starting to notice. As we get into bed tonight I didn't even feel her get in because I was too worried on checking off my list i had on my phone. I felt bad when I turned over and she was already asleep in bed. It'll be worth it though.

The next morning I awake alone. I kind of expected that after not paying attention to her last night. But it's still 6:30 so I know she didn't leave for work yet. I scramble out of bed so I can at least apologize and get some kisses and I find her in the kitchen brewing coffee.
"Hi my love" I say sneaking up behind her. She jumps when my hands slide to her waist. God she looks so good in her suit.

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