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y/ns POV

Scarlett passed out on top of me and its totally fine. Until my bladder starts hurting and the doorbell goes off. "Shit" i scold myself and maneuver my way out from under Scarlett and put a blanket on top of her. I then answer the door.

"Hey y/n, im not too early right?" danny asks

"Nah man, just be quiet, scarletts asleep on the couch and the little one is asleep upstairs. come on in, lets go to my office." i state and he follows me there. I hand him the bag i made up of him and print out some other papers i think he is going to need before handing them to him.

"Thanks, Ill dig through this whole book. I know you got far and decoded most of the names but ill finish it for you." he says

"Thanks dannyboy, let me know if any big names pop up. I have that list i sent you that is secured and encripted, you can add the names into it. The password is password.'' I laugh and he looks at me like im stupid.

"Nice password." he laughs.

"OH! almost forgot, I need you to push the Jimenez case back somehow, Scarlett's premier is that night and she wanted to plan a whole day of glam and shit so I cant start on that first day." I say and he nods.

"I got you boss. As long as you can give me those notecards you used on the board so I can pass it next month." he says

"But then that means youll be a real lawyer, and wont work for me anymore." i pout and see him chuckle

"You cant get rid of me that easily. Ill still be in office and of use to you for a while anyway. John will never let me take over something so quickly." He says and i laugh knowing thats true.

"well, i want you on my team regardless if you pass or not, so you will always have a place here." i say and see the gratitude pour out of his eyes as he smiles as me.

"Thank you." He says and we shakes hands before i lead him back to the living room and he leaves. I carefully walk over to scarlett and pick her up, carrying her to bed. I dont even mind if its 9:30, i will gladly snuggle a sleepy Scarlett until i fall asleep.

*Next Morning*

I awake from my alarm and groan hearing it. I feel next to me for Scarlett but sit up when i dont feel her in bed. Its only 5:30 so she shouldnt even be awake right now, I just wanted to wake up and get a work out in before I spent my time with her and Rose. I sit up more,, looking for any signs of where she may be when I see the bathroom door closed and the light on inside it. I get up and head toward it. I put my ear on it, not trying to be rude and thats when i hear her throwing up. I quickly open the door and she jumps from the abrupt opening but i go right behind her grabbing her hair back as she empties her stomach.

"Good job babe, get it all out." i say and she groans hearing my encouragment.

I gently rub her back as she seems to have gotten it all out. She leans back from hovering over the bowl and i run a cold washcloth under the faucet before wiping her sweaty forehead and pushing some hair behind her ears.

"Thank you" she breathes out heavy and I smile at her and kiss the top of her head lovingly. I let her brush her teeth in peace when she stands, but I head to the kitchen for some water and crackers for her. I grab the whole box of crackers, water, and her pre natal vitamins, knowing she ahs to take them eventually and that way she wont have to get out of bed again until later. Once im back in the room she has already crawled back into bed, on MY side, and snuggled under the blanket.

"Baby, I brought you water and crackers, you dont have to eat or drink them if you dont want to but I also brought your vitamin so you dont have to go get it later." i say and she hums an opens her eyes and sits up.

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