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"My love, Matteo won't go back to sleep. Can you work your magic?" Scarlett whispers by my ear and I smile, not even bothered by the middle of the night waking. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and sit up accepting our beautiful baby boy into my arms from Scarlett. My chest and shoulders finally feel good and don't ache anymore when I hold him.

That took a while to go away but I'm grateful I'm here and alive and will take soreness over death. Four weeks ago, when I awoke from what I found out was a seizure, I was shocked to say the least, but just needed to get myself back to Scarlett.

I awake groggy, and my eyes are blurry. I almost think this is hell because a bright light in front of me is so blinding it's torture but when my eyes start to focus a little I can tell it's just a ceiling light. My eyes dart around and see blobs standing on either side of me. My left hand feels tight and crippled. When I try to move it I feel something jerk my arm and see the blob come closer.

"Y/n, oh my god hi sweetie." Lizzie's soft voice comes at a whisper and I wonder if she knows my head hurts. "Downey get a doctor." I feel her put some hair behind my ear and close my eyes loving the feeling of her hand taking pressure off my head  by somehow just touching it.

"W-wate-r" I barely manage to speak and I see her rush to get a cup of water. As she comes back with the cup Robert walks in with a doctor. I take a sip from the straw as Lizzie helps me and wait for the younger girl with dark curly hair to speak.

"Hello I'm Dr. Yang. I was your cardio-thoracic surgeon. I got a blood clot out of your artery and unclogged a major vessel which I think will help your every day life and may be able to stop you depending on insulin. The clot made it hard for oxygen to get to your brain resulting in a seizure. Luckily you were here when that happened as most do not make it in time to reverse the effects. There will be pain around the incisions on your chest but they are small and I'm confident they will heal fast. Any questions?" She lists off a mile a minute confidently and like she's done this before.

"Wheres Scarlett? How is she? and My shoulders and chest hurt" I say feeling them ache every time I take even the smallest breath.

"An ache or a burn?" Dr. Yang asks ignoring the first two questions as she comes closer and feels around on my chest and shoulders making me grunt in pain and Lizzie give her the dirtiest look ever.

"Shoulders ache, chest burns." I say.

"The ache is from the chest compressions they were doing. You crashed and thats how they kept you alive until you got onto the operating table." She says very non-chalantly and then presses her stethoscope to my chest. "Breathe in" she says and I do and then breathe out.

"Wheres Scarlett." I say again looking up between Lizzie and Robert. 

"Shes okay. She's waiting for you." Robert says with a smile that makes my heart start beating like crazy. I need to see her. 

"Does she know ?" I look at Lizzie whos eyes turn sympathetic and I sigh. I didnt want her to wake up worried or panicked but im sure she did, because of me. 

"Woah there killer, lets calm down, your heart is still in recovery we dont need it beating that fast just yet." Dr. Yang says with a chuckle.

"I need to go see my wife." I say grunting as I sit up from the pain in my chest. It feels like 100pounds are sitting on top of me and holding me down while i have little pins and needles all around the center of my chest. 

"Ill bring you. Just chill." Dr. Yang says with a hand on my shoulder and I nod desperate for any help. She walks out of the room for a second before wheeling a wheel chair in and over to the side of my bed. "You need to sit in this chair for a couple minutes before we go, so I can attach a heart monitor. Id like to just be sure the burning is from the incisions and not anything else." She explains to me and I roll my eyes but Lizzie hits the side of my bed and says "She will gladly wear the monitor" for my stubborn ass. 

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