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Y/ns POV
I awake the next morning tired as all hell but there's a smile on my face. Scarlett's pregnant! It's my first thought this morning and my last thought last night. I just can't believe it. I feel to my right but sigh when I feel an empty bed. Did Scarlett go to work already? I sit up and head to the bathroom but bump into the door when I realize it's locked.

"Scar? You in there?" I knock on the door.

"Y-yeah" I hear muffled through the door.

"Are you okay?" I ask and hear her sniffle before she answers. "I don't think so" I hear and I start to feel my heart beat quicken.

"Can I come in?" I ask and hear a slight shuffle before the door unlocks.

I slowly open it and see her sitting on the toilet lid with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh baby what's the matter? Did you get hurt?" I ask running to her and throwing myself onto my knees to look over every inch of her body.

"I-I'm bleeding" she says and im confused. I search her body with my eyes but don't see anything.

"Where baby? I can't find any blood" I say looking all over her legs and arms and lifting her shirt up to look on her back and stomach.

"Y/n, baby, I'm ... im bleeding" she says and I freeze hearing those words again.

I turn and look at her eyes that are bloodshot red but a beautiful crystal clear blue/green like I'm back on our hoenoon in Italy and we're looking at the ocean just when the sun peaks over the horizon. I pull her into my chest understanding what she means and she sobs into me. I let her cry onto me while I cry with her.

"A-are you s-sure? Maybe it's spotting? I read that could happen." I ask and she nods toward the bathroom counter. There I see the other two pregnancy tests that both say negative.

"I wanted to be sure before I woke you up, I'm sorry I didn't do them with you." She cries into me.

"No baby it's okay. I understand, and it's your body. I'm not mad I promise" I assure her. But then my mind wonder if there was something I did that could've caused this.

"Oh my god. What if I did something? Last night when we.. you know.. what if I caused this?" I jump up stammering. Shit, it's my fault. I caused this to happen because I was too rough with her. It was too much on her body.

"Y/n no. That wouldn't hurt me. I think it was a false positive" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me into her arms. She wraps them around my neck and pulls me tightly against her. I drop to my knees feeling my emotions triple in a milli-seconds time.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry" I cry into her chest.

"You didn't do anything baby. I promise. It just didn't work" she says rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

"I'm just sorry this happened. Fuck I'm so selfish. How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?" I say realizing she's the one who's going through it. On top of not being pregnant she has to deal with her period and I know she hates when she gets cramps.

"Baby listen to me for a second. You are not selfish and this isn't your fault. We knew it might not work and yeah it sucks like hell we got a false positive but we will try again. Take some breaths for me before I have to sedate you." She laughs and hearing her laugh eases my mind instantly.

"We will. I'm not giving up" I say back to her hugging her tightly. I take some deep breaths and feel her kiss my forehead and hug me again before I pull away.

"Let me get you tea and a heating pad. What time is work?" I ask knowing she has a full day ahead.

"I'm going to see if I can take a sick day. I much rather be here with you than anywhere near people I have to talk to and pretend I'm okay in front of" she says and my heart breaks just a tiny bit.

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