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POV y/n
"Morning Ella!" I say with a huge smile on my face. I'm in a great mood this morning. It's Monday morning, which means we are on week 6 of Scarlett's pregnancy which means we finally get to go to a doctors appointment. But that's not until Wednesday. But Today is the day I question Olivia. After the night of our "stake out" I sat on the photos for a little. I needed to be sure about everything. With a little more reasesrch and a long video chat with Anna I think I figured everything out. Danny was at my house all weekend working on it with me. Scarlett and Rose didn't mind. I think Rose found a new best friend too because she was loving all the attention she was getting from Danny. He's like a giant kid so they paired well together.

I walk into my office and put my briefcase down and notice a coffee cup on my desk already. The closer I get I see a post it note on it. The note says fuel for a kick ass day. -DB I chuckle reading it, thanks DannyBoy.

I sit in my desk and drink my coffee while I review some notes for other cases I'm meeting with at the end of the week. I want to get through all my work first before I start this interrogation.

*I'll be nice and not bore you with legal terms*
*time skip*

I grab the Manila Envelope with the photos Scarlett and I took. Both men, including a paper stating how I think their related and what she's doing. I simplified it so her small brain can understand what I'm about to say to her. God knows she wasn't using it hanging around those guys.

I knock twice and she calls me to enter so I open the large door and step inside. She's leaning back in her chair with her feet up and it looks like she's eating the pretzels from the vending machine on this floor.

"Y/n, what can I do for you? Decided you want a little something from me" she says sticking her tongue out and moving it up and down. I cringe and make a disgusted face.

"I know you're not asking me that. And with what I'm holding in my hands I guess it makes perfect sense." I say and wave the folder in my hands infront of her. She takes her feet off her desk and leans forward grabbing the envelope and replaces her feet where they were, on top of her desk again.

She opens the envelope by twisting the small rope around the circular holder that holds it in place but doesn't lift the flip yet and instead looks up at me. "Why don't you tell me what's in here instead of me figuring it out myself" she says looking at me uninterested.

"What are you too afraid to use your brain? Afraid to show there's nothing really in there" I taunt. "Just look" I say and she opens the envelope. I see her eyes search through all the pictures and she looks mad. She brings her legs off of her desk and sits up straight dropping the picture onto the desk. She puts her head in her hands and I know I've got her.

"How'd you do it?" I ask and she looks up at me.

"Do what?"

"Convince these men to pay you to sleep with them. What are you doing for them? Or them for you?" I say and Olivia starts laughing.

"Oh my dear y/n. You have no idea what's going on do you?" Olivia taunts looking at me like I'm a stupid little child.

"I know exactly what's going on. Your trying to start a little prostitution ring. I've got you pictures with two, and know about a third. Does your husband know your cheating on him? I bet he wouldn't like to get those pictures slipped under his door at work would he?" I

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