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POV y/n . . . . November 20th . . 2 month time skip

I have two days until Scarlett's birthday, 7 days until thanksgiving, that we are hosting, and 12 days until I have to defend the biggest case I've gotten since Johnny Depp. And I'm not fucking it up this time. I'm representing Kevin Costner on a lawsuit where he didn't get paid any money from his contract, that's like 80 million dollars. He also claims poor work conditions and hazards everywhere including understaffing. He has the evidence But, he's suing 21st century fox, who can quite literally buy out anyone and shut them up. So, it's going to be a battle because they have some of the best lawyers out there but I'm confident I can get him his money he's owed plus some.

For Scarlett's birthday I planned a date night for just us, but not before we have a movie afternoon with Rose since it falls on a Saturday. Scarlett has been begging me to tell her where we're going or what we're doing but I've been great at keeping my mouth shut. I almost slipped when she went down on me unexpectedly one morning but I've held strong.

Oh, that's another thing. Her being in the second trimester now is a god sent. She has so much more energy and doesn't get nauseous much anymore. But that also means her libido is through the roof! She practically tries to jump me everytime she eyes me, and I'm not complaining.

Which is why right now, she's giving me her fuck me eyes and I'm trying to think of a plan to distract rose for 20 minutes so I can help her out. Which is when I remember the music room that we haven't been in forever.

"Hey Rosie! Want to play on the piano?" I say and her eyes light up. I knew that would work.

"Yes yes please! Can you put the lights on?" She asks. She's talking about the built in lights under the keyboard. They light up each key when it's supposed to be pressed so you can try and follow along and play a song.

"You betcha" I say and she follows me, getting up from the couch. I eye Scarlett who's in the kitchen and she gives me a puppy dog lip. I mouth 'five minutes' to her and she smiles and I see her scurry out of the kitchen and head towards the stairs. I get rose into the music room and set up on the piano and sit with her for a minute. I watch as she follows the notes along for a good minute before she messes up. She giggles when she messes up and I love it. I love how she doesn't take it too seriously so there no need to get upset.

"Is it okay if I go take a shower? You can stay and play?" I say to and she doesn't stop playing but turns her head toward me and nods without taking her eyes off the keys.

"That's ok mama. I'll be here." She says happily following along to her song.

I feel kind of bad for leaving her here alone to make love to my wife, but when duty calls.....you go! Plus she's 11, she is okay for a little while by herself.

I head up the stairs quickly, looking for Scarlett and when I enter the room I see her on her back, laying on the bed. He hand is in the front of her shorts and her face is scrunched up like she's enjoying what she's doing.

"What I wasn't fast enough?" I tease quietly and walk over to her. I slowly trace my fingers up her legs and she opens her eyes when she feels my touch on her.

"You took too long, mmm" she moans and closes her eyes again.

"I will gladly watch" I say and sit on the edge up the bed by her upper thigh. I place my hand on her inner thigh rubbing teasingly and she moans more at my touch. She stops her movements and puts her hands on her waistband and looks over at me.

"Help me. Please" she begs in a low seductive tone and I feel my arousal spill out of me just by her words.

I smile as she brings her shorts down and I help her take them off before throwing them on the floor. She spreads her legs again and waits for me to get in between them. I take her hand and guide it back to her clit. "Don't stop unless I tell you to" I say and she starts circling her own clit while I kiss down her thighs. Her breathing is back to heavy and I switch thighs and suck a little hard on her left inner thigh, leaving a mark.

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