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"Baby wake up" I hear but I shove my head deeper into the pillow

"Cmon we have to get to the airport, I finished packing for you" Scarlett says again but I don't move.

"Fine I guess I'm going by myself" she says

"Nooooo don't leave" I say trying to feel around the bed for her.

"Cmon baby we have to leave in 20 minutes" she says again and when I open my eyes she's standing infromt of my side of the bed with a glass of water and two Advils. "Here take these" she says shoving me the pills and glass.

"Thank you" I say taking it

"I knew the hangover would be bad from the party last night. But you were having so much fun I didn't want to be the no fun police" she says laughing and I chuckle with her

"It was fun last night. Who knew Jason could sing!" I say laughing.

Yesterday the cast wrapped on the movie and the wrap party was a blast. We went to a karaoke bar which was a party within itself but then went back to where Tom rented and had a massive party with everyone on the set. Even crew members. Jason started the at home karaoke and surprised everyone by singing a great Whitney Houston. Maya stop Scarlett and I half the night feeding us shots just so she could get more video of me dancing and singing. By the looks of her Instagram story everyone in the world knows I can sing and play guitar now. She literally has 15 stories of just me, with the camera shoved in my face and is screaming the songs to fall out boy.

I finally get up and brush my teeth and change, we are flying to Greece today. I've managed to hide the ring in my suitcase but it's not well hidden and I'm freaking out they are going to lose my suitcase. Maybe I should put it in my carry on?

"Car will be here in 10!" Scsr yells from downstairs and I hurry and check the upstairs one last time to make sure we didn't forget anything. I also put the ring in my carry on, just in case. I hop off the last step and Scar catches me in her arms giggling while spinning me around in a hug.
She's been extra cuddly today. I'm sure she's just gonna miss filming.

"Hi cutie" she says kissing my lips.

"Heyyyy" I say dragging out the y to be funny

"I can't wait to spend some time alone with you and not have to worry about my lines or a schedule." She says being adorable

"For a day" I say

"The best day and night of my life so far. I can feel it" she says and I laugh. She pulls me out of the rental and I stop her right infromt of the door.

"What are you doing" she says laughing

I set up my phone propped on the ground and a rock and walk her to the front of the door.

"Take a picture with me" I say looking at her.
"It's on a timer, 3 pictures." I say and she shakes her head laughing.

I pose with her my hands around her waist and she's standing to the side of me. She wraps her arms around my neck like a hug and we pose with big smiles.

"Next one ready, be silly" I say and she jumps on my back and i act like I'm going to fall and we pose for the camera. The laugh that leaves her is pure perfection. I love it.

"Last one" I say and she smiles.

"Gimme a kiss baby" she softly says and I smile leaning in. Her hands tangle in my hair and my arms drop down to her ass and squeezes a little making her laugh. When she captures my lips with hers it's like the oceans all collide and I feel this huge rush of emotions. It's like I've found what I've been searching for.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now