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Scarletts POV

Kate and I have been on a zoom meeting with a distributor for two hours. Its been long and boring, thank god Kate did all the talking, but I have this awful feeling in my stomach. Not nausea, more like Im waiting for something bad to happen. As if on que, my phone starts beeping. It's not a normal text, or call, it's the sound I set on y/ns insulin app. So, when it goes off I snap my head to my phone and open the app immediately. Her sugar is low, like dangerously low. Has she changed her port this week yet? I cant remember but Im going to call her and see if shes okay. I show Kate my phone so she understands why Im getting up and she nods to me as I head out the office door.

I quickly dial y/ns phone and am suprised when Lizzie answers. I forgot she was going there. What is with me forgetting everything?

"Lizzie, Hi, is y/n okay?" i ask

"Hey, shes asleep on the couch with Penny, did your alarm go off too for her insulin?'' she asks and i remember y/n and I shared the app with her too, and also Robert.

"It did. shes really low, can you manually give her insulin. The app will let you press the button if theres any left." I say pacing my hallways, knowing how y/n can get with low sugar. Shes really hard to get a response from and it can get really scary when she cant speak.

"It says its empty, does she have another dexcom? Or a needle and insulin anywhere?" lizzie asks and i can hear her voice start to panic.

"Her car, look for her little black bag. like a pencil case." I say and hear a door open so Im assuming she went to y/ns car.

"Got it, Scar" Lizzie says and I start to breath normal but the beating in my chest is still wacking away.

"y/n, honey, i have to stab you with a needle, im going to move Penny" I hear lizzie say

"Mmmm no" I hear y/n mumble and laugh.

"You can have her back, lets just fix your sugar." i hear Lizzie say to her and some shuffling so I assume y/n let her move the baby, not like she had a choice.

After a few seconds I hear an "mm" and can finally breath hoping that was Lizzie giving her the insulin.

"y/n, honey, open your eyes." i hear Lizzie say.

"Sometimes shes disorientated. It might be too bright for her too." i yell into the phone.

"Y/n, look at me. feel my chest." i hear Lizzie say and I start to think y/n is having a panic attack.

Lizzie tries to get y/n to respond to her and me yelling into the phone is not helping considering Lizzie doesnt even have it to her ear anymore. I can only hear the desperate pleas from Lizzie and the heavy short breathing from my wife and suddenly feel like im going to be sick. I run into the nearest bathroom in time to throw up into the toilet. I empty my stomach and flush before washing my hands and wiping at my mouth. I notice the phone call hung up so I dial y/n back quickly to calm my trembling hands.

"Scar, Hi! She okay. Sorry, did you hear all that?" Lizzie asks after she answers y/ns phone.

"Y-eah, shes okay? You swear?" i ask

"I promise. Once she came back after she got the insulin she saw Penelope not on her and panicked." She says

My poor baby.

"Oh god, Im sure that was scary for her. Tell her I will talk to her when I get home but please call me if she seems too weak to drive. I can pick her up on the way back." i say knowing I have to get back into that meeting. Once I get an okay from Lizzie, I try to ask to speak to y/n but Lizzie says shes occupied with Penny and save my lecture for home. Which, I guess shes right, but ugh lemme talk to my wiiiiife!

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