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"Scar, we can't paint it again. I've painted it three times. The walls are going to explode if I put more paint on it." I say staring at the freshly painted room we are going to use as the nursery. We've painted this a cream color first, but Scarlett didn't like it. Then I chose a baby blue but Scarlett said it looks more like an animation in here so that wouldn't work. Now we decided on a different cream and I took it upon my self and painted an accent wall this deep beautiful forest green.

"I hate the green. It's too dark" she says

"I like it. And my idea was to put up these skinny posts on the wall and put a name plate over it. It's basically a background color" I say.

"Why green?" She asks looking disgusted at it.

"Baby you can't be serious" I laugh and she tilts her head at me. "Green is my favorite color because it reminds me of you. The color of your beautiful eyes that I fell inlove with. The color of the forest and grass that our very house sits on. The house that we are going to grow old in and watch our kids chase each other around in. I picked green because I wanted our son to be reminded of his wonderful, careless mother's eyes when he wakes up in the morning, or middle of the night." I say and wipe the tears flowing from Scarlett's eyes.

It's been another 10 weeks and that's means we are officially in month 7 of pregnancy. Which also means that we are two months away from the baby coming and we are stressing. I should really say me, I'm the one stressing. On top of the house chores, and baby shopping, and Roses extra curriculars, I'm swamped at work. I established a sort of reputation since I've won the last couple cases I've had and now I'm being reached out by lots of other people. But they aren't located near LA and now I have a meeting with a client that's 3 hours away. I was meant to leave 20 minutes ago but Scarlett didn't like the room and I wasn't going to leave her upset.

"I don't deserve you." She sniffles.

"Baby don't even start. You know we belong together and I'd be lost without you. Can we just keep the green for now. Sleep on it maybe?" I ask

"Yes yes I'm sorry. Go ahead. Go to your meeting." She says wiping at her face furiously.

"I don't have to go. I can stay here and come to soccer practice with you later" I offer

"Stop it. Go, you only have 10 more weeks to work until your stuck home with me for a little" she teases

"Oh could we make that happen now. That sounds amazing" I groan

"You won't be saying that when we're up all night changing poop diapers and feeding our son."

"You're right. But Oliver will so be worth it.

"No. We are not naming him Oliver. So he can be a grandpa his whole life." Scarlett laughs.

"It just popped into my head. Thought I'd say it out loud. But you're right. I don't wike it" I pout and she laughs at me.

"It'll come. We'll find something. Don't worry my love. But please go. You're going to be late" she says and pull me in from the collar of my shirt and kisses me hard. It's so hard to leave but I have to and eventually I do.

I start my journey to Cambria. I don't know much about the area just that it's on the water. I know I'm meeting with someone who is involved in the government because I need security clearance to meet with them. My car phone starts ringing and Danny's face pops up on the screen. I laugh seeing his mouth hung open and his eyes crossed in the picture.

"Hi Danny!" I answer.

Oh....i never told you what happened after Danny was in the hospital. Well...nothing really. That's the thing, absolutely nothing has happened since Danny was attacked and Olivia told the FBI everything. Anna got me the files the FBI wrote up and they seemed to arrest a judge from New Mexico from whatever Olivia gave them. But no one else. I was guessing it was a big cover up but something tells me it's a lot bigger than what the FBI can handle too. Danny recovered fast and refused to be transferred to San Diego. He's bound to desk duty for a while but that's where I need him. He's actually a great assistant.

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