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POV y/n
47 minutes. It took Olivia 47 minutes to call me back and I paced my office the entire time trying to come up with scenarios. Trying to figure out if what she said had a code word in there or something. The only thing I could come up with that she needed an excuse to get out of something so when my phone rings I immediately pick it up.

"Olivia what the hell is going on?"

"You tell me? I've been waiting for Danny's call for an hour to get me out of an awful date with a producer and he never called." She rambles

"When's the last time you talked to him?" I ask

"About 3pm. Why?"

"He won't answer me and now his phones off. Was this date part of that book? What was the last thing he did?"

"Y/n please calm down before you get worked up. Meet me at the office and we'll figure out where he is okay?"

"Fine but you better not have gotten him into something he shouldn't be involved in." I say a little loud before hanging up. I lock the black book in a drawer in my desk and walk out of my office closing the door behind me. I enter the living room not seeing Scarlett so I walk upstairs thinking she would be up there with Rose.

Roses door is closed but I peak inside anyway to see Rose fast asleep in her bed with a nightlight shining in in the corner, no Scarlett. I walk next door to our bedroom and peak inside to see Scarlett in bed reading a book. She changed into a pajama tank top and I can't see if she has anything on below the waist but in my mind, she doesn't. She looks up at me quickly and back to her book again before she places her finger on the spot she's at so she doesn't lose it and looks back up at me.

"Have you finished working?" She asks with not an ounce of anger in her voice.

"I'm really sorry but I have to go to the office." I say shyly

"The office? It's 9pm."

"I know but if I didn't need to I wouldn't. You know that" I say trying to explain without saying too much.

"Okkaaayy, can you bring back some oatmeal cookies?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"I sure can. Not oatmeal raisin right? Just oatmeal?" I ask

"Yes just oatmeal, no raisins or else you'll be picking out every raisin for me" she smirks and I giggle

"You got it baby. I'll try and be fast." I say and almost go to leave but she yells for me to "wait!" So I freeze in my tracks.

She cutely runs over taking tiny quick steps to reach me and pulls me in by my shirt to kiss me. I moan into the kiss loving the feeling of her lips on mine. "I'll be waiting for you" she says when she pulls away and leaves me standing there watching her walk back to the bad. God does she make it so hard to leave.

Eventually I make it to my car and then to the office and up to my floor. Olivia is sitting in the chair outside my office and I greet her kindly before unlocking my door and letting us inside.

"Where is Danny." I say as I sit in my chair and place my keys and phone on my desk.

"He was supposed to be here. We uncovered some things and think we figured out what group might be behind the book. La Cagoule."

"I've never heard of them. What are they? Spanish?" I ask

"French actually. And they haven't existed since 1946" she says

"Okay so what about them?"

"They are known for being hit men and they are heavily involved in sex trafficking of all kinds. Men, woman and children, they have no morals." She explains

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