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Scarlett's POV
"Two medium iced coffees. One with caramel and one plain. Both no sugar no cream and a vanilla pop" I yell out my car window at the drive thru of a coffee shop. I can already feel the eyes of y/n burning through my skin because she knows this is my second cup of caffeinated coffee today. But maybe if I don't make eye contact with her she will forget. I pull to the first window and pay with my card. Then pull into the second window, still not making eye contact with my wife but can see her fingers tapping on the gear shifter in anticipation. As I wait for the workers to bring the coffee to the window I turn my head to glance at y/n. Her face is stoic, tight lipped, and furrowed eyebrows, and her eyes staring straight into mine. I can't help but laugh and it makes her crack a smile too.

"Babyyy we agreed on one a day" she whines and I can't help but giggle. I love how she tries to be tough but breaks as soon as we make eye contact.

"I won't drink it all, I just know I'm going to need it. I thought I wouldn't get symptoms so early on but the tiredness is hitting me quickly." I explain lowly because Rose is in the back seat and we haven't told her yet.

"If you want to go home now and rest I'll record the appointment, that way you can go to a roses first practice" she suggests.

Today is Roses first practice with her team. I was able to rearrange my meeting for The Outset but I can't rearrange a soccer practice for 9 year olds. Luckily it's at 3pm and we will have enough time to get there right from the appointment which is why Rose is with us. Y/n also thought it would give her peace of mind being at the doctors with us. She told Rose she could ask the doctor any questions she wanted and to not get scared if any words that the doctor says sound scary.

"No way. Im fine!" I say and turn to the window grabbing the coffees and pastry bag. After I thank the worker I pull off towards the exit and y/n puts the drinks in the cup holders and gives Rose her pop.

"Okay but you tell me if you need a break. I'll drive you back home and still have enough time to get back and pick her up my love" she reassures me

"Thank you. And I will tell you if I need a break but I'm good right now. I promise" I say smiling at my beautiful wife. She's already protective of me and my needs (in every way) but since becoming pregnant it's doubled. And I'm sure it will triple once I actually have a bump that she can see.

I enjoy some coffee while driving to the hospital. Dr. Pierces office is also in the hospital, like Dr. Deluca, so I hold my hand out to y/n once we pull up to the gate knowing she gets nervous here. She holds it tightly and I grab the ticket so the gate opens. Once parked she has to let go of my hand but I know once Rose is out of the car she will be attached to y/n so I don't worry about y/n being nervous. She always puts on a good front infront of Rose.

Before I know it we are sitting in a patient room, y/n on the table while Rose sits in my lap. The nurse just left after taking some vitals of y/n and her blood pressure was great and she took some blood from her to run these test right now in the office.

"Ahhh I see we have a full house today" dr Pierce says as she steps in. This is my first time meeting her but I already feel comfortable infront of her. She has a warm and inviting presence about her.

"Hey doc, this is my wife and daughter, scarlett and rose." Y/n introduces us and the doctor comes over shaking both our hands. She even gives Rose a sticker which already makes her cool in her book.

"Nice to meet you! Y/n how have you been feeling?" She asks y/n.

"Good. Definitely a lot better than the first time I saw you." She answers

"So you see an improvement?" The doctor asks to which y/n nods. "Good that's what we want!" A nurse comes in and hands the doctor some paper work that she looks at right away. It must be the blood results. Y/n and Rose share a glance and y/n makes a silly face making Rose giggle.

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