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Y/ns POV
"Yes baby I promise I'm eating. And I'm taking all my pills. The pill box really helped thank you" I say to Scarlett over FaceTime cherishing every moment together. Not only is her filming schedule packed since she landed last week but the time difference is really killing my sleep schedule. Like right now it's 11pm here but she's just going to set now at 4pm her time for a night shoot. Her day starts when mine ends and it makes talking to each other harder but I'm managing.

"Good, I've been feeling achy lately" I hear her say and focus my attention back to my phone.

"Really!? Does it hurt bad? I'm sorry I wish I was there to massage you"

"Baby don't worry it's not bad. And it's my boobs so yes I'd love a massage from you" she winks making me laugh. "But my driver is just pulling into set now and I see the look on your eyes. So please get some sleep. Send me a message when you wake up okay ?"

"Okay baby I love you. Don't let anyone massage your boobs but me! Have a good shoot" I say to my phone screen. I wish I could just touch her hand.

"Thanks baby, I love you too" she laughs before kissing her phone screen and hanging up.

She still has 6 days before we should test the pregnancy test and I already have my perfect plan. I get more excited by each passing day but I have to keep reminding myself that I can't get too excited. I just don't want to be heartbroken when I know it is sooo common to not get pregnant on the first try. I pull the covers up to my chest since I'm already in bed and slowly fall asleep hoping I can have a dream of a glimpse of the future.

The next morning I wake up groggy, and my head feels like it's spinning. I lazily try to sit up but my body feels like it's a thousand pounds and I just sink back into the bed. My alarm didn't go off so it must be early. I'll just try to go back to sleep.
I hear my alarm going off but when my eyes open it's like I'm looking out of a fishbowl. My head feels heavy and light at the same time. My whole body feels like it's floating but I can't seem to find where my alarm is coming from. I swipe my hand around until something crashes to the ground, im guessing my alarm clock because the insistent blaring stopped. I can't sit up when I try to use my elbows to prop my self up. Everything in my body feels tingly now and my eyes feel heavy again. I feel like I need to get up but I succumb to the sleep when my body takes over.
I'm awoken a little while later by my phone ringing and I jolt up hearing it right in my ear. My body feels totally normal besides a slight headache. Was that all a dream? It couldn't have been because the sheets of the bed are soaking wet from my sweat.
I quickly grab my phone and see Lizzie is calling so I swipe it to answer and put it on speaker laying back down on the gross sheets for a minute longer.

"Hey Liz"

"Jesus Christ y/n. What are you doing!? Danny called me freaking out because you weren't answering his calls and your not at work. So what the—"

"Wait what..what time is it?"

"Are you just waking up!? It's 12:30!"

"Shit!! 12:30!" I scream jumping out of bed but as soon as I stand it's like all the weight gets rushed to my head and I fall to my knees grabbing my head in pain. "Ugh fuck"

"What just happened? Did you fall?" I hear Lizzie from the speaker of my phone.

"No I stubbed my toe. I'm good. I'll call Danny, thank you Lizzie" I say crawling up to my bed and grabbing my phone.

"Are you sure you okay y/n/n?" Lizzie asks again

"Yes Liz. I'm good. I'll call you later" I say and hang up not waiting for a response. I sit on my butt and lean against my night stand while I look through the texts from Danny, John, Lizzie and Scarlett.
I text Danny I wasn't feeling good but I'm heading in now and I push myself up off the ground to try and get dressed. I'm able to stand slowly and with help by leaning on the furniture around while I walk until I make it to the bathroom.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now