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Y/ns POV
"Rosie come on!" I yell up the stairs but get no response. I sigh as I walk up the stairs to find her. Scarlett already left for the day to meet Kate. They are looking at possibly offices in LA for their brand and it's my job to take the little rascal to school this morning. It's been a month since moving from New York, And 6 weeks since my sister died. It's getting easier to get up in the morning but there's times I can't.  It's hard but when you have friends and a loving fiancé for support it's makes it a little easier. Lizzie and Rob have been popping over every so often and I know they are just checking on me but I like the company also. It gets lonely when Scarlett has to work or do meetings and I'm just stuck reading law papers by myself. Rose has started the school that Robert showed me back when I first came here months ago. She loves it. Except for waking up in the mornings. She's definitely her moms kid.

I walk into roses room and see her still in bed. I literally saw her standing awake how's she get back in bed? "Rosie gotta wake up" I saw lightly shaking her arm. She pops up panicked but I hold her tight and she relaxes in my arms. I notice she's already dressed in her your uniform.

"Did you get dressed and go back to bed?" I say laughing

"I did. Now I just have to do my hair. But that's what your for" she says giving me a shit eating grin.

"Anything for you princess." I says and follow her into the bathroom. After doing two space buns we head downstairs to eat the breakfast I made before I went upstairs searching for her. 

"So Halloween is coming up! Did you decide what you wanted to be?" I ask her.

"Katie and Emma want us all to be power puff girls" she says excitedly.

"That's so cute! We can look at costumes and pick the girls up to look together this weekend if you want?" I suggest

"Okay!!" She says excited and shoves her waffle into her mouth. I knew that would get her excited to go to school. After a smooth drop off and 20 minutes of traffic on the way back I'm finally in my office.  I've had a ton of paperwork to do and it's the worst part of the job. That's all I do now and I kind of miss being in a court room. But that would mean I'd have to take the bar in California and god I don't want to take that test again. But I did take it already so it can't be harder the second time?

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear the alarm system say 'front door open' I glance at the clock and see it's only 9am and Scarlett and Kate are not due back until at least noon. I stand up a little paranoid but when I hear the jingle of keys I relax a little. I know that jingle. And my thoughts are confirmed when I see Lizzie pop her head in my office. She stops at the doorway and laughs seeing me clutching a stapler standing in front of my desk.

"We're you going to attack me with that stapler?" She laughs

I look at the stapler in my hand and back at her before putting it back in my desk. "Maybe"

"That would've got you real far" she laughs and walks further in and sits on the couch against the wall. She wiggles in her seat and little the. Smiles looking up to me "comfy, this the one you got from MK?" She asks

"Yep." I say and turn back to computer to read through more paperwork.

I see out of the corner of my eye she glances around the office a little. It's pretty bare, I haven't felt like unpacking most boxes for in here yet. Then she looks at me. I try to to look at her but you know when you feel some staring so you have to look. And I do and I see this weird mischievous smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask turning on my computer chair to face her fully.

"I can't visit my favorite lawyer?" She asks

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