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Y/ns POV
I stumble into the house and stand up straight hoping no one hears me trip over my own two feet. The house is dark so I guess everyone's in bed. I take my shoes off and head into the kitchen in the dark and find my way to the fridge. I open the fridge squinting at the bright light and find a water bottle and chug it feeling the cold from the refrigerator on my skin.

"Y/n?" I hear a British voice and internally thank god it's not Scarlett.

"Hey Flo." I say with a a smile as I turn around and close the refrigerator so it's dark again.

"Scarlett was going mad about you not being home. Where were you?" She says and I can hear her moving around the kitchen but I'm not sure where she's heading.

"I was going over your case with John and when he left I decided to just look it over a little more and fell asleep at my desk." I say without stuttering and giggle silently to myself.

"And you were drinking?" She asks and I laugh at how she says drinking. It's like she emphasizes the 'ink' part in the world and i have no clue why it's funny. Oh yeah because I'm drunk.

"Couple. Not enough I couldn't drive" I admit and she turns the light on finally, blinding me in the process and I hear a long sigh as my eyes try to adjust.

"You should've called someone. Scarlett was going bonkers all night and now you coming home at 2:30 is not going to look good. She will understand when you tell her you just fell asleep at your desk though. But you'll probably still be in the doghouse for at least a week" Flo rambles and I realize she rambles when she's tired or nervous.

"Why are you awake?" I ask

"Zach keeps calling." She says and I feel bad. I should be working on her case but instead I got drunk at 9am and skipped my second day of work and then Slept a little too long in my car.

"When can you come in for that meeting?" I ask her

"How's Friday? It gives you two more days to look over the contract?" She asks

"Sure Flo. I'm gonna head to bed okay?"

"Goodnight y/n. Good luck with Scarlett."

Shit right. My angry wife is sleeping upstairs. I tiptoe up the stairs and slowly open the bedroom door. Empty. She must be sleeping with Rose. Now I really feel bad. I brush my teeth and quickly throw on a large tee shirt and shorts and just go to check on them. I poke my head into Roses room and see Scarlett cuddled into Roses twin bed. She can't be comfortable. But if I wake her up she's gonna yell at me. And she's going to wake up before me anyway to try to ask me about today.

I quickly grab some clothes for tomorrow and a blanket and make my way downstairs to the couch. It feels wrong to sleep in the bed without her and she probably would kick me out of bed tonight anyway so I'm going to crash on the couch.

*next morning*

"Y/n? Oh my gos you're home" is how I jolt awake. Scarlett is now sitting on the coffee table infront of me and she doesn't look mad. She looks worried. Why would I think I could compare her to anyone in my life when she's never reacted the way anyone else has. That's because stupid Olivia is fucking with your head once again!!

"Hi Scar, I'm sorry I fell asleep at my desk and then got home late and didn't want to scare you getting into bed." I ramble remembering what I told Flo yesterday.

"You didn't call"

"I'm sorry I didn't even think I would fall asleep there"

"It's okay baby, I was just so worried" she says and strokes my cheeks. Okay, so she bought it.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now