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Y/ns POV
The next days fly by, Scarlett has been sending me videos every day of her taking her hormone shot. I hate that I'm not there to do it for her but the videos help me feel involved so I appreciate that. But now I'm pacing in my office on a phone call with Dove Cameron because she doesn't want the settlement Disney offered her.

"Dove! It's a good settlement. It's more than what we're asking for and the show is not even running anymore." I yell into my phone.

I hear the front door open and close and peak my head out of my office to see Lizzie walking through my house and into my kitchen.

"I can't get you residuals! Even the most famous of actors have shit residuals set up in their contracts. My wife, Scarlett freaking Johansson doesn't even get residuals. You know how much she gets. .45 cents per showing. After taxes it comes back to like $5.00!! For one movie. That's more than anyone has ever gotten in a tv series and the fact it's only shown on or subscription makes the price even lower" I yell getting angry. "I'm sorry I don't mean to yell but I've told you a hundred times that's the best offer you're going to get. If you really want to fight for more, fine but I'm not sure we are going to get anything better than this" I say into the phone pausing for any answer from the young girl.

"Dove please just think about it." I say while hearing the young girl blabber about how big I'll become if I'm the lawyer to get residuals but it's not about that. I would much rather set her up with the best deal possible than try to gain any self acclaimed titles.

"You have until Friday to make a deal or else we go to trial." I say and hang up on the young girl and walking into the kitchen.

"Rough day in paradise?" Lizzie laughs as I see her eat my leftover pasta.

"I hate having to take orders from someone younger than me" I huff "she wants too much."

"You offered her what you were given and if she wants to fight for more and lose that's her fault" Lizzie says

"But it's my job to guide her in the right direction. She's just not taking my advice." I say

"She will come around. Just press it to her" she says and I nod just being over the conversation already. "How are you holding up?" She asks talking about the news of Scarlett not being pregnant.

"Eh. I'm okay now. When I first saw that positive test come back Liz, I was so friggin happy. But then it came crashing down 8 hours later. But I feel like I'm doing okay.. I don't feel extra tired or extra sad. I feel okay."

"That's amazing! That's because your working on yourself and your mind and it's helping! I'm so proud of you for not spiraling y/n. It's a big step for you."

"Thanks Lizzie, to what do I owe the pleasure to your visit?" I ask

"Bored. I can't work, I can't go out, so I'm here" she laughs

But just as I go to talk I get a piercing pain in my chest and it feels like all the wind is knocked out of me. I grab my chest and try to take a deep breath but it doesn't work. Lizzie sees this and I can feel her grab my arm to sit down. I can't get any air in and now my head is pounding.

"What's wrong y/n?" Lizzie asks

"My ...chest hurts. And my head is ...pounding" I stammer opening my eyes but it's like I'm looking in a fishbowl again. What the hell is going on?

"Can you help me to my bed" I ask and she lifts me the best she can but I'm cautious not to lean my weight on her because she is pregnant. Once I get into bed I don't even remember falling asleep but I guess I did because I wake up and Lizzie is in my bed eating popcorn and watching TV as I wake up again.

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