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Y/ns POV
Today is a somewhat hectic day. We are all supposed to go by Lizzie's to see her and the baby since they are home now. But Rose has another soccer practice this morning, but I had a conference call for work so I couldn't go. But Scarlett took her and got her a cake pop before going to which she assured me helped calm Roses emotions about me not being there. So after the conference call I'm in the kitchen making lunch so the girls have something to eat when they get back but am surprised when the front door slams shut and I hear Rose shout "I hate you!" And storm up the stairs. I quickly walk into the living room and find Scar still in the entryway taking off her shoes, slowly.

"Baby? Did she just" I go to say but Scarlett's teary eyes looking up at me tell me everything.

"Oh no baby, what happened?" I ask and she takes a couple steps and lays her head on my chest as I wrap her in a hug.

"She wanted to go to Emma's house but I told her we have to go to Lizzie's. She didn't want to hear it and threw a fit but when we got home I asked if she would take her cleats off outside. That's all I asked!" Scarlett cries into my chest.

"Did something happen at practice? Or this is all because she couldn't go to Emma's today?"

"I really don't know. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary" Scarlett says. I guide Scarlett into the kitchen and slide a plate of sandwiches I made toward her.

"Eat. I'm going to try and talk to her" I say to which Scarlett happily takes the sandwiches and I head upstairs. I stand infront of Roses closed door and knock three time.

"I don't want to talk!" Rose shouts. She has very valid feelings and I don't want to disobey her request but I do need to check on her.

"I just want to check on you! I need to see your face then I'll leave you alone" I yell back through the door. I hear feet shuffling behind the door and she opens it slowly showing me her face.

She sniffles a little and I see the tears tracks down her cheeks. It breaks my heart seeing her this upset but this isn't usually her. Something had to of happened. "Can I come in flower?" I ask and she steps back opening the door. She sits on her bed and I sit next to her.

"How was practice?" I ask


"Mommy said you wanted to go to Emma's house?" I ask

"Yeah but she said no. But I'm not going to aunt Lizzie's." rose says pissed off and crosses her arms

"We're going to see Penelope. Don't you want to give her those cute clothes we got?"

"No. I want to go to Emma's and hangout with her and Jaqueline." She says.

"Who's jaqueline?" I ask hearing her name for the first time just now

"A new girl on our team. She's really good and really nice. She has the bluest eyes in the world they almost look white, and has pretty, long, curly blonde hair" rose lists off. If I didn't know any better I think Rose has a little crush on her. But I would never say that now, too afraid she will retreat and not tell me anything.

"What if we ask them both to come over to our house after we get back from Aunt Lizzie's?" I ask and she picks her head up and looks at me

"Really? We could do that?" She asks

"I don't know. Mommy is really upset about what you said to her. I'm not sure if she's in the mood to even go to aunt Lizzie's" I say

"I didn't mean to say that to her. I was just so mad. She wouldn't let me explain why I wanted to go and the answer was just No." she explains

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