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Scarlett's POV

Today is Roses first soccer game. It's also the day before school starts but she seems to be really excited for it. It alsooo the day that The Outset has 102 meetings that I've been sitting in and I'm so over it. I've been waking up nauseous every morning and with Rose my morning sickness was just that, morning sickness. This pregnancy, it's all day sickness. I have to nibble on crackers throughout the day which kinda helps but doesn't make a quiet snack during these zoom calls. Kate's texted me 8 times asking if I was alright and I know she means well but I don't need to be reminded of it.

"Does anyone know when the under eye cream will be back in stock?" I hear which pulls me out of my original thoughts but then brings me to think about y/n. She's been so great with everything lately. She's so helpful at home, and doesn't let me do anything. I literally had to tell her to leave me alone because she was following me around like a puppy. She is so good to Rose too. She has been doing a bedtime routine with her because I've been so tired at night I usually end up falling asleep on the couch early. But she stays up with Rose and helps her shower and read her chapter books, along with asking questions about the baby. She says most nights they lay in her bed talking about what she would want to do with her baby sister but when y/n told me she really wants to go shopping for the baby. She wants to buy dresses and skirts and girly things even though we don't know what gender the baby will be. I think it's so cute she thinks about this stuff but in reality she's just looking for a real life doll.

"We will talk to you alll tomorrow! Bye!"
"Have a good night"

I glance at the screen seeing everyone exiting the call besides Kate. She has that look on her face like she knew I wasn't listening the entire time and I need to spill what's on my mind.

"I'm fine Kate, little nauseous." I say and she tilts her head.

"are you sure? Nothing else going on?" She asks

"There's just a lot going on. Roses first soccer game, then tomorrow is school for her and I have to worry about her all day. I'm so nauseous all the time and it's exhausting." I pout

"Why don't you take more than just tomorrow off. We got these meetings out of the way and I can handle the rest of the week from here" she says

"Are you sure? I could still work from y/ns office if you want" I offer

"No no cmon you need some rest. It's only two days!" She says. I guess she's right. I could use the rest for a couple days.

"Okay. I'll take tomorrow and Friday off" I say and Kate smiles big. After a couple more things to discuss I'm finally on my way home. I walk in the front door and see y/n and Rose in the kitchen cutting oranges.

"Hey beautiful" y/n says seeing me walk in the front door. It immediately makes me smile. Her voice is my comfort. I plop down on the chair in the kitchen and she stops what she's doing, dries her hands, and walks Over to me. She puts her chin on my shoulder and wraps me in a tight hug that I reciprocate tightly.

"I missed you" I say and she pulls back scanning over my face. I think I said it a little sad otherwise she wouldn't have reacted like that.

"I missed you to my love. How was your meetings?" She asks with a caring look on her face.

"Long, boring. I didn't pay much attention" I say and see her eyebrows furrow a little

"Everything okay? How is your nausea?" She asks rubbing my arms, making me feel comforted and valued.

"It's okay today. I'm more worried for her first day tomorrow." I say and glance at Rose who's putting orange slices into little bags. "What if she hates it. What if she gets sad and one of us aren't there to make her happy? What if—"

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