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POV Scarlett
Lizzie and Robbie have been over for a couple hours now. Lizzie has the turkey in my oven and her and Rose are making the cupcakes I said I'd do. Lizzie insisted I just relax a little because she knows how much I stress when I host something so she's letting me chill for now.

I enjoy sitting on the couch and listening to Lizzie and Roses giggles while I get to cuddle on the precious Penny. She's grown so much in the last 3 months. She can hold her head up on her own and roll over from tummy to back. I love when she lifts her head up and looks at me. She even smiles at my funny faces and noises. I miss when Rose was this small and I can't believe in a short 10 weeks I will have another baby coming into this world.

I'm so excited and so ready to explore this new territory with y/n. Roses father was not very helpful in the beggining of my pregnancy, or at all during my pregnancy really.  Then after Rose was born I was quickly in my own event if he was home. But I know it'll be different with y/n. She's been so amazing through this pregnancy. Not letting me do pretty much anything unless I secretly have to do it. Sometimes it can be overbearing but I realize she is just showing me how much she cares and loves me. And I accept it knowing she's doing it for those reasons, not to just throw it in my face.

My phone goes off signaling I got a text and I get up to go check it since it's on the charger in the kitchen. It's Danny and I smile opening it thinking it's probably a picture of y/n passed out in his car or stuffing her face with food. To my surprise it's just a short couple of sentences. "On our way back. She had a panic attack. Not talking much."

My heart drops to my stomach and I instantly get worried. What caused her to have a panic attack? Where was she when it happened? Is she okay now? All these questions run through my head and I stare at my phone a couple more seconds before I feel a presence behind me. I quickly lock my screen, not wanting anyone to see it, even if it's just Lizzie. That's y/ns business and hers only right now.

"You okay?" Lizzie akss me and I nod my head yes.

"Yep. Need any help with the cupcakes?" I ask changing the subject.

"Rose is just putting some sprinkles on top. Flo and Brie will be here in 20min. Turkey will be done in an hour." Lizzie lists off the top of her head letting me know.

"Okay I'm going to get changed. Y/n should be home soon too, I think Danny is going to stay. Or at least I invited him." I say aloud and Lizzie says she will put an extra setting out on the table in case he stays.

I head upstairs opting for a flowing dress that stops right below my knee. It's a dark green, I thought it was perfect because of y/ns whole speech about how much she loves green. I decide to lay out comfy clothes for y/n. I know she dressed nicely so she wouldn't have to change but I know how she gets after a panic attack and is going to want to be comfortable. I honestly feel bad for her because knowing how exhausted you are after one of these and how her mind can't reset , then she's going to be here and dealing with everyone in the house, it's not going to be comfortable. I almost wonder if I can get Danny to bring her to his place instead but I know y/n won't go for that.

I hear chatter grow louder and Rose is giggling like crazy so I head down to see who has arrived. My face brightens up seeing it's y/n and Danny, back from their meeting. They don't see me yet but it gives me an opportunity to examine y/n. She jokes with Rose but her smile is not her true smile. And her eyes look tired, exhausted even. But no one can tell. She's not showing it, But I can see it behind her eyes, and I can tell in her body language. She's pretending to be happy and alright on the outside but is suffering underneath. I can feel myself become anxious at the fact that she's not alright but I can't make a scene here. Especially because Flo and Brie just walked through our door.

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