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I wake up in a panic and when my eyes open I notice I have no clue where I am. Then I see the floral print wallpaper on the one wall and realize I'm at Lizzie's. That dream felt so real. I was running in water trying to get to Scarlett and Rose but no matter how fast I ran I couldn't reach them. They were crying and yelling for me to help them and I just couldn't reach them.

I turn in bed and see Scar sleeping soundly but glance at the clock seeing the time read 6:32am. Not that early. I guess I'll get a quick workout in and let Scar sleep before I drag her around LA.

I head downstairs Lizzie's large mansion but notice she definitely doesn't have a gym in here. I head into her backyard and spot the ginormous pool and an outdoor sitting area. I'll use what's around me to get a quick lift in and can do sprints in the backyard. As I start my lift I find different pots and chairs I use to lift.

"Lizzie's gonna kill you if you break her pot." Someone says behind me and I almost drop the damn pot.

"Jesus Robert. I almost just did." I say grabbing my chest.

"Hahaha I'm sorry I had to. Mind if I join?" He asks

"Sure I just have to do sprints and I cool down with core." I explain and he nods his head we do the first 10 sprints and now that the sun is shining full blast now it's hot as hell. I take my shirt off so I'm in just my sports bra and shorts and he takes his shirt off so he's just in shorts. We do a couple more sprints and I can tell he's getting winded.

"Okay so 5 more down and back and I'll get you to do my core workout." I say and he nods through his deep breathing. We sprint and on the last one I see the girls through the glass door staring at us pushed up against the glass. I stop and Robbie stops behind me and we just start laughing at them literally on top of each other looking out the door. We both just wave at them and they look at each other and start laughing.

They finally decide to come outside looking like tomatoes and I just go up to Scarlett to wrap her in a hug.

"No you're sweaty" she whines

"So you can watch me like a creepy stalker through the window but you can't touch a little sweat?" I tease and she just shakes her head at me.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I ask them and they both laugh at me.

"I have to say. You made my husband all sweaty and hot looking so thank you!" Lizzie laughs out

"Anytime, now you can cook us breakfast." I say and I walk inside and drag Scar with me. I lead her upstairs to our room so I can shower

"I'm gonna shower, you can join or you can watch." I say stripping of my sweaty clothes and stepping into the bathroom.

I step into the shower and turn it on feeling the cold water run off my body. I see Scar walk in behind but it doesn't look like she's going to join. So I turn to face her through the glass and begin to touch myself. I touch my boobs and squeeze them and drag my hands down and gently cup my pussy. I look up at her and her lip is between my teeth. When I touch myself a little harder my eyes roll back at the pleasure I'm getting from myself. Then I feel her before I see her. She stepped into the shower fully clothes just back farther so she doesn't get wet. Her hand goes right to my core and she immediately starts rubbing small tight circles on my clit. My knees buckle at the feeling and I can't believe this is real life once again.

"Mmm Scar" I moan out and she attaches her lips to my neck. I pull her closer under the water so her white T-shirt gets soaked. I see she's not wearing a bra underneath and I immediately pull her shirt over her head.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now