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Scarlett's POV

The next morning came quickly. I heard y/n shuffling around the room but knew it was early because no light was seeping into the room.

"Babe where are you goin?" I ask grumpily

"Just for a run. I'll be quick" she whispers

"No don't leave me alone please" I beg her

"Okay can I use your living room. It might be loud?" She asks and I just nod

"Just don't leave" I whisper to her and she answers and says she will be back quick

The next time I'm woken up I feel a tickle of damp hair and y/n peppering kisses all around my neck and face.

"Wake upppp Kate called you twice" she sings in my ear and I jump at the end of her last sentence.

"Shit am I late?" I ask

"No but if you don't get up soon you will be" she says kissing my neck more

"You're making it hard to get up" I moan a little when she sucks on a spot of my neck.

"That's the whole point" she says and switches to the other side of my neck. She kisses and licks and gets down to my collarbone and bites it. Oh fuck that sent tingles straight to my core.

"You're lucky I take pride in my lack of tardiness so get your pretty little ass up" she says ghosting over my lips in a soft tone.

"I love when your authoritative." I whisper back and she just closes the gap and presses her lips onto mine. She kisses me with passion and I feel every loving nibble she does but I don't feel her hands wrapped around my waist until I'm hoisted out of bed half naked and thrown into her chest. She stands straight up and walks into the bathroom and places me down inside the shower. She steps out and closes the door she kisses the glass and waves at me before walking out of the bathroom. What a nut. I quickly shower and do my skin care and hair. I throw on some jeans and a white sweater with some sneakers and pull my hair into a bun.

I walk down stairs and immediately smell pancakes. Or maybe sausage? Probably both. I walk into the kitchen and see a Tupperware and 2 to go coffee cups on the counter and y/n comes back into the kitchen and I drool a little more. She has on a cut off crop top and some high waisted leggings. Showing just enough skin but god her arms look amazing too.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" she smirks

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"Take a picture it'll last longer" she smirks.

"I only want to take one if your naked." I say walking up close to her. Wrapping my arms around her neck she slides her hands on my ass and squeezes it. It's like her hands are meant to be there.

"I can make that happen" she says and winks as she pulls away. She grabs the food and coffee
And her back pack. We go outside and then I remember she has her motorcycle. She places the items into her backpack and then into the bottom of the back seat that I forgot came off.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now