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Y/ns POV

You hit your alarm the second it goes off since your already awake. I wish I could say I stayed up all night studying but I really just laid awake thinking that my wife is going to be around the world from me for 6 months. Which isn't ideal considering I have to take the BAR exam today. I begrudgingly get out of bed and shower, making sure I scrub myself good. I might have broken that seal last night and I don't need anyone smelling alcohol on me today. Walking out of the bathroom in just a towel I see the bag with the bottle in it in the floor by the bed and quickly push it under hearing footsteps coming.

"Oh you are home, and awake" Scarlett says and I almost can't look at her. But I do and see how adorable she looks with sleep still in her eyes.

"Yep I didn't want to disturb you when I got home last night" I say and walk into my closet getting dressed. I wear leggings and some vans with a band tee and grab my Harvard zip up in case I get cold. 

I brush my hair in the mirror seeing Scarlett staring at me. Like she wants to say something but I can't bring myself to say anything so I just put my brush down when I'm done and walk out of the room. I hear her following me down the stairs and I walk into the kitchen getting out a bowl of blueberries and some yogurt for a small breakfast. She makes me coffee but I pout it myself into a Togo mug.

Again she looks like she wants to say something so I ask "what's up? You look like you want to say somethin?"

"I-I do. Um g-good luck today. I know you got this in the bag but I am already so proud of you." She says and I try really hard to feel thankful but the fact she can't tell me and I know she wants to pisses me off. And I know I'm probably wrong for even feeling this way but I can't help it.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say and peck her forehead noticing her lips trying to catch mine but I don't give her an opportunity too. I grab my bowl of yogurt and coffee and keys and head into my car. I glance at the closed garage door that separates the garage from the house hoping maybe she would come out and wave but she doesn't so I pull away driving with one hand and eating with the other.

I'm almost at the building and my phone starts ringing.

Incoming Call.........Lizard🦎

"Hey Liz"

"Hey y/n/n! I just wanted to wish you good luck today! Call me after you're done okay? I want to know how you feel!" She says super excited.

"Thanks Lizzie. I'm pulling up right now so I'll call you later" I say

"Okay y/n! Ttyl!!" She says before hanging up.

I walk into the Los Angeles County Community College and find the Library quickly and get on line with the multiple other people. I feel under dressed but laugh remembering we are literally sitting down for 8 hours.

"You chose the right clothes" I hear a girl behind me say and turn around seeing the redhead smiling at me.

"Not the first time taking this" I say and she gives me a weird look.

"No I didn't fail, i moved from NY" I say and she makes a face like 'oh duh'

"You don't look like the type to fail" and I roll my eyes at her attempt of conversation.

"And what type do I look like?" I see her raise her eyebrows. Oops did I give her too much attitude?

"Like a good lawyer" she says and I smile a little embarrassed.

"Thanks" I say and just turn back around in line.

Once getting set up and split up into different areas the final step is turning off your phone before the booklets get passed out. So that's what I do noticing not one text from Scarlett. But plenty of texts from Lizzie, Robert, Flo, Danny and Anna.

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