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I make it up the stairs and turn towards my bedroom door. I open the door and close it with my foot while my lips are entangled in hers. My hands cup her ass cheeks and i massage them gently before i place how down on my bed. She looks amazing sitting on top with just her bra and panties on. She crosses her arms over her breasts a little and looks away from me.

"Dont be nervous honey, you look so fucking beautiful."

"I just dont know if youll like what you see. Ive had a kid and my body doesnt look how it used to." She says shyly

"Baby you are the most beautiful woman ive laid eyes on. I already know how amazing the woman body can be and you created a beautiful human in that body threres nothing to be ashamed of." I explain as ai caress her cheek.

She just looks up at me and hooks her fingers in my belt loop to pull me closer. She pulls me down on top of her and attaches her lips to mine. I move my lips to her neck and find her sweet spot sucking gently.

Her back archs and she moans a little indicating i found it and then I bite her neck. I move further down to kiss her collarbone and start to slide the strap of her bra off.

"Is this okay baby?" I ask making sure. And she nods quickly not taking her eyes off me.

"Words baby, I need words." I say lowly.

She breaths out a little, not able to form words with the assault im doing to her body.

"Yes, please y/n." She rasps out and that all it takes for me to finally get this bra off of her.

I unclasp her bra and she lifts her back off the bed a little so i can get it out of from under her. I take in the sight of her naked breasts and immediatley attach my mouth to her nipple. I can feel it get hard under my tongue and the moans that leave her mouth send a shock to my core. She shoves her hand through my hair and presses my head further into her breast. I grab her other one with my free hand and begin squeezing it gently. I switch sides and repeat the same thing to the other breast. When I start kissing down her stomach i feel her suck in a sharp breath. I reach the top of her lace panties and tuck my finger in the top of it and look up at her.

"If you want me to stop at any time just say so. Okay my love?" I say sweetly to her.

She nods and gently pushes my head down leading me to where she wants me most. I run my finger over her fold but on top of her panties and can feel how wet she is.

"All this for me darling?" I say to her. She blushes under me but before she can say anything I move her panties to the side and stick my fingers through her folds.

"Shit" she hisses and her hips buck up to try and get my friction.

I slowly take her panties off and rub my hand down her leg as they come down. I throw them to the side and spread her legs. I place kisses along the inside of her thigh. Sucking in some spots and biting or just kissing in others. I can see how her pussy glisens from her arousal and i can feel myself getting wetter. I place more kisses up her thighs and when i get close to her core i skip and move to kiss her hips and lower stomach. She squirms a little under me knowing wha she wants the most and as i raise my body up so my lips can meet hers I put my thumb on top of her clit as my lips make contact with her lips.

"Oh my god yes." she moans into me as i start with small tight circles. Her already swollen clit is so reactive to my touch and she is a whimpering mess. I start to kiss her back down her thighs and i look up as i scoot back to lay on my stomach. Her eyes snap open when she feels me pull both her thighs up and over my shoulders. I give her a soft smile and then gently lick through her from bottom to top while maintaining eye contact. Her moans are going right through me,ripping me into pieces and i can feel my body tingle. I start to swirl my tongue around her folds and when i suck on her clit she shoves my head deeper into her. It so hot. I take my finger and collect some juices of her and as i push my oe finger into he entrance i use my other hand to wrap around her hip onto her stomach to hold her in place. Once I let her get used to my finger I start to pump slowly.

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