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Scarlett's POV
I lay here with my girl on my chest, just stroking her hair. She looks so peaceful sleeping, it makes me think how much her mind can trick her on things. She's so quick to think everyone is going to leave her or that she doesn't deserve the goodness that happens in her life. It's not fair and it's probably due to the fact she was alone most of her life. I just want to protect her and show her the life she deserves. I hear the ding come from outside the room and realize it's the fasten seatbelt sign.

"Baby, we have to go sit down in the seats to land" I nudge y/n trying to wake her. She wakes easily and listens to me following me to the seats. She still slumps into my shoulder after buckling her but I just hold her tight in the seats so she can take her time fully waking up.

I feel the wheels land on the ground with a slight jerk forward and that makes y/n sit straight up gripping the arm rests. She looks at me with a shy look and says "sorry I think I dozed back off for a second"

"no worries babes" I say with a wink trying to making her laugh. I succeed because she laughs with an eye roll.

"Okay Christian Grey." She says and I quirk an eyebrow. Who the fuck is this Chris guy.

"Uhh who?" I say

"You know, from fifty shades of grey?" She says almost shocked

"I've heard of the movie but never watched it. That's a character?" I ask dumbfounded

"You are so innocent." She laughs and pecks my lips. "It's a book series first, a uh spicy book series" she says wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Ohhh. I see." I say understanding. "Didn't take you for the smut book type, and also a guy." I say joking with her and then standing up to let us get off this plane.

"Ehh, it wasn't bad but it was very popular back stage at shows when it came out so I read them to keep up with the conversations" she says and I nod.

"Always staying in trend" I joke and she nudges me.

"Relax Grandma, not everyone can live under a rock." She says cracking up at the end and I pretend to be offended with a scoff and my jaw drops.

I walk towards the exit and hear y/n shuffle and follow behind me still laughing. I thank the flight attendant at the door and walk down the steps and turn around to sneak a picture of y/n. I see the flight attendant say something to her and y/n leans in a little, almost looks like she whispers something back and I see the attendants face turn bright red and she scurried away from her position at the door. Y/n walks down the stairs with a huge smile and I snap the picture even though my body is seething with jealousy. She walks off the last step looking around the airport strip and blindly reaches out to grab my hand but I don't grab it. I just grab my purse and walk toward the car waiting for us. She slides in a second after I do with a frown on her face. 'Ugh, communicate Scarlett, remember?'

"What did she say to you?" I say quietly into the car. It started driving away from the airport and I can hear a soft melody of some song on.

"Who?" She asks.

"The flight attendant." I say blankly and turn to look at her.
She looks up at me and smiles and I almost want to slap her. How could she be so openly flirting with someone right in front of me. She goes to grab my hands but I pull them back.
"Scar please." She says but I look away from her. "It was me who was not behaving, not her" she says and I look up at her confused. "She wished us a fun time and asked if the plane ride was okay. I then leaned closer and told her that the fun started on the way here, in the bedroom and she might want to change the sheets before the next guest." She says and I have to bite my lip to stop my smile.

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