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Y/ns POV
It has been another two weeks, just passing the Fourth of July. I have to fly out to Scarlett in a few days and that's the only thing holding me together right now. Remember my client Dove? Well she went AWOL and is missing. Her manager got a text from her saying she wanted to be alone and was going to go home to Nebraska but that's the last time he's heard from her. Her phones off and no one in her family from Nebraska has seen her. Obviously the police are doing what they can but I can't help but worry for the young girl. So that's why I'm just getting home from the office at midnight. I've been looking through all the police notes and trying to contact her friends but still no luck.

Which makes me miss my wife. We've been working nonstop, the both of us, and I'm really excited I'm going to see her in a few days. We are going to try our second round at IVF and I'm actually hopeful. Going in this round I'm going to set my expectations really really low.

I take a shower and stay in my towel to lazy to change right now. I head downstairs and throw leftover food in the microwave and check my sugar why I wait for it to heat up. It's low so I correctly dose the insulin and inject it into my stomach this time, since my thigh is getting sore.

I take my food out of the microwave about to eat it but my phone starts ringing. I glance at it but then run to it seeing Dove's name.


"Y/n, c-can you com hurrr" I hear Dove slurring her words.

"Where are you?" I try asking but can't tell if she heard me over the loud music in the back ground. I hear shuffling then someone comes to the phone.

"Hi is this y/n?" I hear a female voice say

"Yes. Who's this?"

"I'm Kate, doves friend. She's really drunk and is just crying she wants to go home. I'll send you her location from her phone. Can you just please hurry. There's a ton of paparazzi outside" I hear the woman say

Fuck. Of course there is.

"I'll be right there'' I say hanging up the phone.

25 minutes later I pull up in front of a familiar club. I say familiar because everyone and their mother comes here if your A-List. I walk up to the bouncer and explain why I'm here and he lets me in with a stamp that said VISITING. Okay?

I push my way through the club trying to find the blonde girl. I finally spot her by the bar with a friend who looks like she's arguing with her. Those closer I get the more I can tell the friend is trying to get Dove to stop drinking.

"Hey Dove" I say spinning the girl around away from the bar.

"Y/n!" She yells excited! "You came!? Let's dance!" She says

"Let's leave!" I yell back over the music.

"Not yet!! I'm not drunk enough to fall asleep yet!" She whines and I feel my chest get heavy for her.

"You have Dove. I promise. Cmon" I wrap her arm around my neck since she can barley stand. Her friend shoves Doves phone and purse into my hands and walks off. Way to leave your friend hanging. Literally. I drag Dove outside and immediately get his with bright lights. This is going to look great tomorrow. I finally am able to get Dove into my car and by the time i get in the drivers seat she is out cold. I call her manager and let her know I got her. He tells me to bring her to his house. He will take care of her and try to minimize the stories since I told him about the sea of paparazzi greeting us upon exit.

Eventually I get her to his house, and I finally stumble into mine around 4am. I glance at the cold food on my counter and just decide sleep will be the best bet right now. So lay on the couch, unable to get my ass up the stairs, and fall asleep.

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