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Y/n POV-February 12th
"Scar yes right there. Oh wait more to the left no right now oh yea right there! Perfect!" I say from the bottom of the really large mirror I'm holding up so Scarlett can screw the top into the wall.

She screws in both corners and let's put a big breathe of air. I help her down from the ladder and place her on my couch from my arms.

"Thanks babe. I couldn't do that myself." I say and lean down and kiss my out of breath, really hot when sweaty, girlfriend.

"Anytime baby" she smiles still trying to catch her breath

"Rose will be out of school in an hour but we have to go to her talent show tonight." Scar reminds me and I have to remind myself to put up a front. Why might you ask? Maybe I should back up a little bit.

December 25-12am.
Scar and I head to Lizzie's guest room to get ready for bed but her phone goes off.
"It's Rose" she says with her eyes sparkling and a huge smile goes across her face.

"Shouldn't she be sleeping it's like 3am in NY." I ask

"She's in France. Her father brought her to his home there since he got her for more than 3 days." She explains

"France!?" I say surprised

"Yes Romain is French" she laughs "it's like 9 am there" she says counting on her fingers. She swiped the call to answer the FaceTime and we see the cute little blondes face smooshed up to the screen of the phone. Really we can only see her eyebrows and bangs.

"Hi sweetie" scar says and Rose pulls back the phone to show her cute little smile.

"Hi mommy! Hi y/n! Merry Christmas!!" She yells excitedly over the phone.

"Merry Christmas baby!!" Scar says
"Merry Christmas Rosie! Did Santa come by you?" I ask and see the girls eyes light up.

"He did!!! I'm about to go open the presents but I wanted to say hi first." She explains

"Aw Rosie thanks for thinking of me. I miss you so much baby girl." Scar says and I can feel how upset she sound sun her voice so I caress her free hand in mine and draw small shapes on her palm.

"I miss you too mommy. I'll be home soon. And then you can help me practice for the school talent show!" She say's excitedly.

"You betcha sweetie!"scar says. After a couple more minutes of rose explaining a million different talents she has and which would be best to do she decides on nothing. But she really want to go open presents so Scar doesn't keep her on the phone long.

The next morning consists of Scar dragging me around to different stores way to early in the morning to pick up those gifts she ordered. It was worth it to see Lizzie cry over a knife set. It made me feel a little better about outing her and Robbie's little secret.

December 31-9pm
The week leading up to New Years was uneventful. We left Lizzie's on Monday, I had to go straight into work upon landing because I got zero work done while there. Scar doesn't mind and catches up with Kate. New Years night consists of us baking cookies and muffins and cakes and then falling to a food coma and passing out at 10:30pm. We were both pretty pissed when we woke up on the couch the next morning but it was still a fun night.

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