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Y/ns POV

After dinner with Scars parents I was on a high. I couldn't stay there in New York. I wanted to see her. I wanted to be with Scarlett. So I took a cab to the airport and booked the first flight I could find back to Spain. Luckily there was one leaving in an hour so I had just enough time to grab a coffee and find the gate.

I knew I could try to sleep on the plane since it would be 2pm when I land in Spain and I wanted to surprise Scarlett. I get relaxed on the plane and don't even remember falling asleep but I must have because we are already landing in Barcelona.

I sleepily walk off the plane with my bag and garment bag in hand thanking myself for not having to check a bag. I walk out of the airport hailing a cab and listen to the Spanish news station that's on in the drivers car. The weather reports a storm coming so I guess there will be a lot of rain which makes me think I should stop at the market to grab food before I go to set.

"¿Puedes parar en una tienda antes del destino?"(Can you stop at a store before the destination?) I ask the driver and he nods before pulling into a small supermarket he sees on the drive.

"Gracias" I say and he nods while waiting in the car. I enter the supermarket and grab a basket. I start in produce grabbing berries and peaches. I also grab a bunch of different vegetables so we have options. I make my way to the meat department and grab beautiful looking steaks and some chicken breasts. I can't not stop in the snack aisle so I grab some cookies and sour belts. Then grab some sparkling water for Scar and finally head to the check out.

At the checkout I see some local candy bars so I grab a couple to try later. I scurry back to the cab and thank the driver again for stopping. He finally pulls up to our rental and I hurry inside putting away the food and running to go and shower.

After my shower I dress in comfy sweat shorts and a tank top since it's 100 degrees out and I plan on walking to set. Before I leave I walk around the house looking for a good hiding spot for the ring. I dont see anything that i dont think she will look in until i get to the garage. There is a trash compactor in there that I know Scarlett is afraid of so i place the box in the cabinet right above it, hoping she wont go near that. I then grab a hat after brushing my hair out and head out the house towards set. I stop at that fruit vendor on the way and get two big mixed fruit cups. She adds little spices to the top and I have no clue what it is but I don't bother asking either. I walk the rest of the way to set and only arrive 15 minutes later. I see the building and trailer and sign in at the main gate. I walk around not having a clue where Scarlett is at the moment, and I bump into Maya. Literally, thank god I didn't drop the fruit.

"Hey! I didn't know you were back already! Scarlett has been a grump" she says hugging me sideways and nudging me.

"Yeah I just flew in. kind of a surprise, do you know where she is?" i ask

"No but i can find out, lets go look at the schedule."She says guiding me to a big whiteboard with everyones schedule on it for the day. It says shes in tent 2 with Wes and Jason. I follow Maya to the tent because surprisingly it doesnt go in numerical order, and i stand behind some crew holding microphones and lighting equipment. 

I watch Scarlett act out the scene and from the looks of it, its pretty heavy. They are talking to eachother through windows and it seems as though Scarlett is crying, well her character is. I hear Wes to ask her to turn it up just a notch and i see her shake her head and close her eyes a second before facing and standing in her spot. When she looks back up across the way at Jason, I see this look in her eyes. Its a look I never wish to see from her, she looks so heartbroken, so lost. Im almost in tears hearing her characters monologue about how hard her career is, and how underappreciated she feels and i brake even more knowing this could be something she actually thinks about. 

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now